This Guy Trained Like CrossFit Legend Mat Fraser for 30 Days

This Guy Trained Like CrossFit Legend Mat Fraser for 30 Days

Fitness YouTuber Laurie Shaw's 30-day challenges have previously involved learning Muay Thai, working out like an Olympic sprinter, and dedicating a month to training legs. In his latest video, he spends 30 days throwing himself into a series of intense CrossFit workouts, in the hopes that emulating the training routine of CrossFit GOAT and five-time "Fittest Man on Earth" Mat Fraser will help him see gains.

In order to gage his agility, strength and skill level at the start, Coach Nick Harris guides Shaw through some mobility work including the overhead squat, pistol squat, toe touch, handstand, clean and press, front squat, and trap bar deadlift.

Shaw then takes on the WOD known as "Cindy," comprising 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats, performed for as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in a 20-minute window. On day one, Shaw is able to complete 15 rounds. "I really struggled, I think I didn't pace myself properly; I went hard out the gates and then just died," he says.

Harris assigns Shaw a 'scaled-down, personalised version' of the training plan that CrossFit Games champions like Mat Fraser and Justin Medeiros use, consisting of a six-day split combining strength, conditioning and skill work, with a major emphasis on recovery.

'Each training day started with an extensive warmup, loosening up the body and getting the blood flowing,' he explains. This involves some 'light aerobic work' on the rowing machine or exercise bike, followed by full-body dynamic stretches and some light warmup reps. Shaw's strength workouts focus on low-rep, heavy staple compound lifts – deadlift, squat and bench press – as well as push-ups, pull-ups, and the clean and press. The conditioning component tends to be a CrossFit WOD, followed by an extensive cooldown.

'One thing that was a primary focus throughout the 30 days, but particularly in the beginning, was my technique,' says Shaw. 'Coach Nick would often correct my alignment and form, stressing the importance of proper technique before adding any more weight.' He adds that he 'quickly learned the power of pacing in a CrossFit workout,' which enabled him to go harder for longer before exhausting his aerobic and anaerobic engine.

'I really enjoy putting myself through these physical challenges,' he says. 'My body feels sore every day, but I'm also on a roll now, so let's keep going. I've got this.'

On the 30th day, Shaw undergoes the same tests that he did at the start of the month in order to track the progress he has made, and is pleased to find he can clean and press 30 kgs more than his initial attempt. He also sees considerable improvements in his front squat, and trap bar deadlift, and is able to perform 21 rounds of the Cindy WOD in three minutes – that's six more than day one.

'That was a long 30 days of CrossFit, and I feel like it's paid off,' he says.

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