This Guy Dropped 70 Pounds Using One Piece of Workout Equipment

ruben hernandez
At-Home Workouts Helped This Guy Drop 70 Pounds courtesy hernandez

When Ruben Hernandez found himself unhealthy and unhappy at age 38, this office customer service dispatcher in Franklin Park, Illinois, knew things had to change. He says he was “too lazy go to go the gym,” so he bought a gym setup to use at home – and dropped 70 pounds and feels great. Here, in his own words, is how he did it:

IN 2022, I turned 38, and I was in a really bad state. I was overweight and life was a struggle. I had a huge beer belly and I would get winded after walking. I had a bad case of asthma when I ran a couple of blocks. And it was hard to buy shirts since I was self-conscious about my big belly. It was getting so bad that I would come home from work and I would order a pan pizza, boneless wings and a litre coke for myself and I would eat all of that in one sitting. I would feel like crap afterwards. So I had to change my life around or else I would not make it to 40.

I wanted to work out and eat healthy, but I would just quit after a week and started just indulging myself with food every day. I always thought that eating less was the answer to weight loss but it just made things worse and I would just overeat when I came from work. It was easier to eat unhealthy food since it was cheaper to go to a fast-food restaurant and enjoy what I ordered.

I was too lazy to go to the gym. But in June 2022, I bought Tonal [an at-home workout system that uses digital weight, machine learning, and personalised training programs]. Using it, I was doing strength training 5 times per week and two days of cardio. It took me a few months to get adjusted to the exercises and get used to eating a lot better. After a few months I felt great and energised. No longer was I sluggish and tired throughout the day.

I honestly can say that the thing that really motivated me to change my life was the Tonal Home Gym. It is very convenient, especially after a 12-hour day at work. I had a membership at Planet fitness but was frustrated since there were too many people using the machines and the workout bench, which led me to investing in Tonal. I know it is a big chunk of change to spend, but has been well worth it.

Right now I'm strength training three times a week with two cardio days. I always wanted to join those Tough Mudder events and for the first time, I feel like I'm going to make it a reality.

What Worked for Me

Start Slow.

AT FIRST, IT was a struggle not to eat my favorite meals and overindulge on food. I say it is definitely not easy like commercials make it seem. But start slow and every week, gradually increase your exercise and eat healthier meals. Eliminate things little by little until you are comfortable eating in portions. It took me a while to find the perfect balance in not starving myself and not overeating. Right now, I am eating small portions every two hours and incorporating protein in every meal and drinking water throughout the day. My craving for sugar has gone away so thinking about seeing other people drinking sugary drinks does not affect me at all.

Here and there, you can have a cheat meal but do so in not going over your calorie intake per day. It’s ok if you fail one day, just don’t make it a habit and you'll do just fine.

Trust the Process.

You won’t see your progress overnight. I used to look at the mirror every day but kept getting disappointed. I stopped obsessing over it and before I knew it, I started to notice changes. Just be patient and you’ll see results.

Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep and Rest.

This is a must, since you need your body to rest and repair muscle tissue. It’s okay to take one to three days of rest per week—you don’t need to overwork yourself and risk serious injury.

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