Give Your Guacamole A Texture Upgrade With Some Chickpeas

Bowl of guacamole with chips
Bowl of guacamole with chips - Fcafotodigital/Getty Images

Fresh classic guacamole is a delicious dip that provides both a definitive punch of flavor and a creamy, irresistible element to any snack platter. Made from avocados, lime juice, garlic, and various spices, this Mexican dip is a great accompaniment to your favorite chips, crackers, or raw veggies. Guacamole is also used as a convenient spread or side to round out more complete meals. For those who can't get enough of guacamole's distinct taste, there are ways to transform this flavorful dip into a heartier, more filling snack. If you want guacamole to become the central component of your next fully-fledged meal, bulk up the standard ingredients with extra protein. Surprisingly, you can easily add more nutrition and texture to your next homemade batch of guacamole with chickpeas.

According to Healthline, chickpeas (or garbanzo beans) are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as folate, manganese, and copper. As far as taste, chickpeas have a thick and creamy texture that blends perfectly with soft avocados. Their nutty, earthy notes meld beautifully with all other ingredients in your favorite guacamole recipe. Not only do chickpeas give this dip an added boost of nutrition, but they're guaranteed to keep you full. And you can upgrade guacamole with these nutritious legumes in more ways than one.

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How To Incorporate Chickpeas Into Guacamole

Toast with mashed avocado and chickpeas
Toast with mashed avocado and chickpeas - Vladislav Noseek/Shutterstock

To make this upgraded guacamole with ease, use canned chickpeas. Make sure to rinse and drain this added protein source before preparing. For a uniform, even consistency, blend the chickpeas in a food processor. For easy blending, you may need to add a little water or lime juice. Once the chickpeas are creamy and smooth, mix them with mashed avocado and other suggested ingredients.

For a more rustic-style guacamole, crush the chickpeas with a fork or potato masher. The varying degrees of texture add both creaminess and volume to this delicious dip. To make this recipe upgrade as easy as possible, follow your usual guacamole recipe, but toss in whole chickpeas before serving. Whichever way you add these hearty legumes, chickpeas are an easy and nutritious way to enhance your next batch of guacamole.

Remember that you should adjust your seasonings before serving. This may include adding more salt, lime juice, or extra cilantro. Besides trying the cooking hack that upgrades basic guacamole, play around with adding more ingredients for an even heartier consistency. Diced tomatoes, minced garlic, and chopped bacon give this dip even more delectable appeal.

More Creative Ways To Bulk Up Traditional Guacamole

Tacos with guacamole
Tacos with guacamole - New Africa/Shutterstock

While chickpeas are a satisfying and nutritious way to bolster classic guacamole, other foods can add similar consistency and depth. Edamame guacamole is made from frozen steamed edamame beans blended with sour cream, lime juice, and spices. Add these blended ingredients directly to mashed avocado or serve it without the creamy superfood. If you want to add more bulk to your guacamole without legumes, try a few scoops of sour cream or Greek yogurt. While both add a distinct creaminess, according to Healthline, Greek yogurt is packed with protein and essential B vitamins, making your new and improved guacamole extra nutritious.

Once you've upgraded traditional guacamole with whatever ingredients you desire, get creative with how you enjoy this tasty food. Instead of using raw vegetables or pretzels to scoop up this hearty snack, feel free to use the guacamole as an accompaniment to freshly cooked chicken or fish. You can also serve a scoop atop steamed rice for an extra dose of protein and flavor. A guacamole upgraded with hearty legumes may also serve as a primary ingredient in vegetarian tacos and sandwiches. By adding protein-packed beans to classic guacamole, this substantial dip becomes a more fulfilling way to enjoy your favorite meals and snacks.

Read the original article on The Daily Meal.