Global Running Day: Top tips for newcomers

Wednesday is Global Running Day, a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people to get moving, so there is no better time to grab your trainers and give the exercise a go.

Getting outside for a jog does more than just improve your physical health and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle - the sport has a whole host of great benefits.

Are you keen to take up running? Well, Richard Robinson, Senior Fitness Product Manager at Garmin, has shared a bunch of helpful tips to consider when trying out your new hobby.

Tailor your running plan

Running is a versatile sport that can be specifically tailored to each person. If you're just starting out, make sure you don't do too much too soon otherwise you could injure yourself.

"First and foremost, if you're new to running, it's crucial that you pace yourself and increase volume gradually to avoid injury. Remember, slow and steady wins the race," Richard says. "If you're a beginner or an intermediate runner, having a focused training plan that's built on science and adapts based on your goals and performance is vital."

Consider the weather

If you are running in the heat, you need to consider how this will impact you and your run. You will sweat more, which could cause dehydration. Richard recommends taking fluids with you on your run and wearing sunscreen and lightweight clothes. He also suggests wearing SPF-rated fabrics, mesh caps and polarised sunglasses.


Rest days are crucial for runners because this time off can improve your training and prevent injuries.

"They give your body the much-needed time to recover, allowing your muscles to repair and get stronger, replenish your energy-levels and prepare to succeed in your next workout," Richard explains. "Failing to recover sufficiently will mean your performance long-term will be compromised. Understanding your body battery and knowing your recovery times is key to long-term success."

There are two different types of recovery - passive, where you have a day off from exercise completely, and active, where you do low-intensity exercise instead.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Garmin Forerunner watch, which can help you understand your body better to assist you in achieving your personal goals. It has everything you need to support you and your run this Global Running Day.