This Is How To Do the Gladiator Deadlift for Full-Body Strength and Muscle

bodybuilder exercising with kettlebells in the gym
Use the Gladiator Deadlift for Spartan Gains South_agency - Getty Images

The gladiators of ancient Rome were some of the fittest and strongest to walk the Earth, so naturally their training garners a lot of attention from historians and lifters alike. Author and coach James Pieratt shares a move inspired by the Spartans, and the results span beyond muscular strength.

'This ancient gladiator exercise fixed my back overnight,' says Pieratt. Known as the 'Gladiator deadlift', he explains that the loaded rotation hip hinge makes it an incredibly effective exercise.

The move is a a variation of the dumbbell deadlift, which will also work the obliques, core and back beyond what traditional exercise has to offer. 'Making this exercise part of my routine alleviated a lifetime of lower back pain and increased my athleticism,' says Pieratt.

How To Do the Gladiator Deadlift

person preparing to lift dumbbells in a workout space
Hearst Owned

Pick a moderate-weight pair of dumbbells or kettlebells – lighter than your usual deadlift weight. Aim for 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps.

  1. Begin standing tall with your feet under your hips, dumbbells either side of your feet.

  2. Reach your left hand to pick up the dumbbell on the right side, as you twist the torso with your core engaged.

  3. Stand with back upright, holding the dumbbell.

  4. While still holding the dumbbell, twist the torso and reach in the opposite direction with the right free hand to pick up the dumbbell on the left side.

  5. Reverse the movement back to standing, holding both dumbbells.

  6. Send the hips behind your heels with a flat back and perform a standard deadlift to return both dumbbells to the floor, either side of your feet.

  7. That's 1 rep. Repeat the move, starting with the right hand reaching to the left side.

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