Giant Horned Dinosaur Discovered In Ancient Swamps Of Montana

Giant Horned Dinosaur Discovered In Ancient Swamps Of Montana. A ‘remarkable’ new species of giant horned, plant-eating dinosaur ranks among the largest ever discovered. The Lokiceratops rangiformis, a relative of Triceratops, was identified from a skull unearthed in the ancient swamp ‘badlands’ of Montana, near the USA-Canada border. The dinosaur is notable for several unique features, including two massive blade-like horns on the back of its frill and the absence of a nose horn. Scientists report the skull was longer than any other dinosaur within its group, Centrosaurinae, nearly matching the size of later horned giants. They estimate Lokiceratops measured around 6.7 meters in length and weighed approximately five tonnes. Like other ceratopsian dinosaurs, Lokiceratops had a mouth filled with over 200 teeth. Scientists believe Lokiceratops inhabited the swamps and floodplains along the eastern shore of Laramidia the island continent now comprising the western part of North America, more than 78 million years ago.