
Following in the footsteps of True Lies, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Knight and Day, Ghosted is another film about a secret agent in a relationship.

Usually, the man is the agent in those scenarios, but in Ghosted, the genders have been swapped and the man is now the helpless damsel in distress who needs to be saved.

The film follows Cole (Chris Evans), an emotionally needy farmer who falls in love with Sadie (Ana de Armas) after one date and is convinced she is the one. He sends her 11 texts in two days but she ghosts him. Cole is undeterred - he decides to track her down to London as a big romantic gesture.

Unfortunately, he accidentally gets caught in a trap set for Sadie, who turns out to be a CIA agent on a big job. Now, she has to save Cole's skin as well as deliver upon her mission's objective.

The Big Bad is a man named Leveque (Adrien Brody), who needs the passcode to a briefcase containing a biological weapon named Aztec. He believes someone known as "The Taxman" has the code, and in a case of mistaken identity, he thinks Cole is The Taxman, when it's actually Sadie.

Despite their different romantic approaches, Cole and Sadie have to work together to stop Leveque from opening the case.

Struggling to follow that plot? No worries! It seems like the Ghosted team didn't care too much about it either because it is a very generic, formulaic and disposable story and we've seen it all before.

The whole experience feels weirdly flat. The action sequences are unexciting and uninspired, the comedic moments in the script don't zing like they should and the celebrity cameos feel desperately shoehorned in for no legitimate reason.

But Ghosted's biggest problem is the lack of chemistry between its leads. The audience is supposed to want them to get together or feel something about their "sexual tension" but it doesn't exist. Also, it's hard to support Sadie dating Cole when he acts like a crazy stalker!

Evans and de Armas are usually better than this so it's surprising that even they can't elevate the material. There are a few entertaining moments here and there but something is missing and the film just doesn't work.

Streaming on Apple TV+ now.