Georgia Harrison says she "almost died" after cyst burst during revenge porn ordeal

georgia harrison
Georgia "almost died" from cyst amid sex tape sagaEamonn McCormack - Getty Images

Former Love Island star Georgia Harrison has opened up about the mental and physical health impacts of the revenge porn ordeal between her and ex-boyfriend, Stephen Bear.

To recap, Harrison and Bear were caught on camera having sex back in 2020. The video was captured on Bear's home CCTV unit and was then shared to OnlyFans without Harrison's consent.

Bear was later sentenced to 21 months in prison following a trial in which he was found guilty of disclosing private sexual images/films with intent to cause distress and one count of voyeurism. Bear was also handed a restraining that prevents him from contacting Harrison for five years, and was ordered to sign the sex offenders register.

Ahead of an ITV documentary in which Harrison is set to open up about the trauma she endured during the saga, the reality TV star spoke to The Sun about how this lead to serious health complications.

"When it first happened, the physical effects on me were just horrific," she said. "I had acne come up all over my face. I ended up getting a cyst infection — the cyst eventually burst — and I was in hospital from stress."

Although Harrison did not go into detail about the kind of cyst she suffered with – of which, there are many different types, such as skin cysts and ovarian cysts – she did explain that this had a body-wide impact.

"They [doctors] said my kidneys, my pelvis, and multiple organs were infected, and I was going into septic shock," Harrison added. "I almost died."

According to the NHS, sepsis is "a life-threatening reaction to an infection."

"It happens when your immune system overreacts to an infection and starts to damage your body's own tissues and organs," the NHS explains.

As for the mental health impact of her saga with Bear, Harrison told The Sun: "For months, my state of mind was really not good."

Since Bear's conviction however, Harrison said she's eager to put all of this behind her and move on with her life. Speaking about the guilty verdict – and subsequent sentencing – Harrison, who has waived her right to anonymity, told reporters outside Chelmsford Crown Court on 3 March: "I just want to say that I’m happy and relieved that this matter is finally over."

Harrison continued: "This sentence is a vindication of what I’ve been put through and sends a clear message that the police and courts take this matter very seriously."

If you need support, call Refuge’s Freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or go to Alternatively, contact the Revenge Porn Helpline here.

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