15 Things About Straight Men That Really, Really, Really Confuse Gay Men

I think we've all been in a position at some point or another where we've questioned another person's behavior. And it isn't necessarily because it's negative. For example, I never understood why people were obsessed with Twilight and always wondered why it reached almost a Harry Potter-level of fandom.

Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar saying, "That makes no sense."

Recently, I stumbled upon a Reddit thread from a few years ago that tackled an interesting topic: things gay men don't get about straight men. It started off when user phatstock asked: "Gay men of Reddit, what’s something about straight men that doesn't make sense to you?"

A person with short hair in a casual V-neck shirt looks upward while scratching their head, with a neutral background
Damir Khabirov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

The thread got lots of responses. Below are the top and most-often repeated things about straight men that don't make sense to gay men, as well as some responses to those comments from straight men:

1."I really don't understand the, 'I hate my wife' trope."

A smiling person waves with text overlay: "I hate my life."

2."My male family members make fun of me for taking skincare seriously. Bro, you don't want nice skin?"

A man with short dark hair and a beard is applying skincare cream to his face while looking in a bathroom mirror. He is wearing a casual white t-shirt

3."How certain things make you 'gay' or less manly."

A man browses clothing in a store, holding up a sweater for closer inspection

4."Why being gay is seen as the butt of jokes a lot of the time. Even people who claim they're not homophobic still tend to lean on 'HAHA, YOU'RE GAY, AND THAT'S FUNNY!' as a go-to joke/insult. What's the punchline? Why is it seen as funny or insulting to be gay or considered gay by straight people who claim they have no problem with gay people? I must be missing something, clearly."

Ken Jeong in a classroom scene yelling "HA! GAAAYYY" with students seated at desks in the background



5."The ABSOLUTE hatred for tiny dogs. I swear to god, it’s still a dog, man, just smaller. Showing affection or walking a small animal does not make you 'gay.'"

A Yorkshire Terrier stretches out on a grassy field, illuminated by sunlight. There are no people in the image
Mato181 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."A lot of straight men think gay guys want to have sex with every male they encounter. Do they feel that way around females, so they just assume we do as well? As a gay male, I just assume any other man I'm around probably isn't gay, so my thoughts never even go there. Maybe that's not an issue with females because the odds are more in their favor or something."

Dan Levy from Schitt's Creek makes an "eww" face, conveying disgust. Text on the image reads "EWW" and "#SCHITTSCREEK."

7."I've had so many 'straight' men try to get me to fool around with them that I believe if we didn't make such a big deal about sex, more men would be at least bi. Having said that, just because I am gay does not mean I want to fool around with every guy I see. I won't even consider sex until a few dates in."

A man stands against a pink background, holding his index finger to his lips in a shushing gesture
The Attico Studio / Getty Images

8."What's the obsession with buying trucks?"

A man in casual attire leans against the back of a red pickup truck in a rural area on a foggy day

9."Wearing sunscreen. I offer people sunscreen when I’m going to be outside with them for more than an hour. A surprising number of people turn it down. Like, man, it’s free. You’re not too tough to get skin cancer, and you’re sure as shit not stronger than the sun."

A man in a white shirt applies moisturizer to his face while looking into a mirror
Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

10."I don’t understand why straight men don’t want gay men around. Gay men aren’t after women, so the more there are, the less actual competition there is for the straight girls."

Three happy people, dressed in casual summer outfits, laugh and enjoy drinks at an outdoor café. LGBTQ-friendly image promoting joyful social moments. Names not provided

11."Why do they have to assert their masculinity every second with literally everybody? It must suck wanting to be silly and have some fun and be reminded all the time that you have to be an epic alpha male. I know it's not every straight man, but still."

Actor looking serious, turning towards the camera with text overlay "I'm the Alpha."
Paramount Network

12."Not every straight man. But their contempt for women. They mansplain to them, troll their socials, criticize their looks, downplay or even oppose their views despite their validity, and they feel like you are owed sex just because she is nice or dresses sexy. And to always associate girly stuff with weakness. Toxic masculinity is just so exhausting. Men live shorter lives not because women stress them out, but because of toxic masculinity."

Amy Poehler speaking and smiling during the Golden Globe Awards with text overlay saying, "Is this the mansplaining part of the evening?"

13."I may be late to the party on this thread, but it’s my understanding that many straight men don’t wash their asses because they think touching down there is gay; that many guys just let the water run down and hope that it does what needs to be done. Seriously? If so, that’s way gross. And just what do you think your sexual partners are encountering when they’re down in that neck of the woods?"

A shirtless man stands under a shower, with water running over his body as he holds his head with both hands
Yakobchukolena / Getty Images

14."Being friends with other guys for decades and never talking about their feelings....ever....unless you're hammered? Are you guys not interested in what your friends think or feel outside of shared activities like video games or sports?"


15.And lastly, "The obsession with grass and lawns. Life is too short for that bullshit."

A person is mowing a lawn with an electric mower in a garden. The individual is wearing overalls and a white shirt
Irina Nazarova / Getty Images

You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.