‘I gave birth, then I was sectioned:' an intimate account of post-partum psychosis’

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‘I gave birth, then I was sectioned’Johner Images - Getty Images

Post-partum psychosis is a mental illness that is rarely spoken about, despite being experienced by 1 in 1,000 women. Unsurprising, really, when you consider that this traumatic condition can feel like a living nightmare for new parents.

For more information and support on potst-partum psychosis, go to app-network.org

To be clear, this is different to post-natal depression or the 'baby blues.' Within days or weeks of a woman giving birth, women with post-partum psychosis typically experience extreme mood changes: depression, mania, or both.

Symptoms can vary and change rapidly, but include changes in sleep patterns, uncharacteristic behaviours, hearing voices, and disorganised thinking.

Post-partum psychosis requires immediate medical treatment and the first port of call should be your GP or A&E. The condition still carries stigma but, despite this, a growing number of women are speaking out to raise awareness.

They want to spread the message that with the correct treatment (medicines commonly administered include mood stabilisers, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs) most mothers can and will get better. In fact, most women fully recover within months.

Here, one of them – Ele Cushing, 30, from West Sussex – shares her story.

‘I gave birth, then, I was sectioned’

When I found out I was pregnant, I was over the moon. I was 27 years old and more eager to be a mum than climb the ladder in the publishing company where I worked. I couldn’t wait to hold my baby in my arms and experience those first few months of bonding. Little did I know, I’d spend them on a psychiatric ward alone.

As my pregnancy progressed, I loved reading about the little life being knit together inside me, but, by the final trimester, I was hugely anxious about the process of getting the baby out.

My mum had had multiple miscarriages and lost her first son the day he was born, so as my due date approached, the anxiety worsened. A problem with the umbilical cord meant I would have to be induced, so I referred myself for CBT on the NHS but there was only time for one session before my scheduled induction in January 2016.

The birth was a blur. I reacted unexpectedly quickly to the treatment that triggers contractions, leaving no time for pain relief before I was rushed to the delivery suite. Badly damaged, I was taken to surgery afterwards to be stitched up.

Post partum psychosis - Women's Health UK
Ele Cushing with her son, Joshua, after his birth

By the time I could cuddle our son Joshua properly, I felt completely numb. After no sleep for eight days, my mind went into overdrive and would not switch off.

The warning signs of post-partum psychosis

Back home after a week in hospital, I wrote a poem about the early days of motherhood and posted it on Facebook. Its uninhibited nature was out of character, which alerted my sister – who’s a GP – to the fact that something was wrong.

Those early days are hazy to me now, but from information I’ve pieced together since from friends and family, I became increasingly distracted and caught up in my thoughts. My speech was like verbal diarrhoea. When a midwife came round for a routine check-up, I played the piano the whole time.

While Joshua slept, I’d incessantly tidy the house instead of resting myself. One morning, having escaped to the spare room for a better night himself, my husband Greg woke up to find my Bible reading notes outside his door, erratically scrawled over in red pen. By this point, alarm bells were ringing in his head.

How I was treated for post-partum psychosis

Unable to cope with me alone, he took me to my parents’ home, where a crisis team visited us. Within a few days, I was driven to a mother and baby unit in Hackney. On arrival, I thought we were leaving my mum there.

When everyone left, I was confused and unable to look after Joshua for even one night, so the nurses took him away. They put me in a room for special observation with a window onto their staff room.

The last film I’d seen before giving birth was The Hunger Games and I remember truly believing I was fighting for survival. I would repeatedly bang on the glass in a panic, charge up the corridor whenever the opportunity arose and, before long, I had to be tranquillised.

Over the following weeks, I was moved between psychiatric wards around Greater London. I was also put on antipsychotics and mood stabilisers. Family visits were difficult. Sometimes I’d try to undress and I was paranoid, even suspicious of my poor dad.

Greg kept bringing Joshua to see me and, as I emerged from the fog and began to get better, I lived for those visits. Finally, after a long eight weeks of separation, I was well enough to be reunited with him on another MBU in Winchester.

It was there that the consultant, Dr. Gregoire, told me for the first time: ‘You will get well.’ Those words gave me such hope in that overwhelming period of learning to care for a little human, while trying to recover myself too, all whilst under the influence of strongly sedating drugs.

While I was in hospital, Greg had moved jobs, which involved a change in location too, so when I was discharged in April, it was daunting, going to a new family home in a new area. However, the NHS Early Intervention team helped me to adjust, offering all sorts of therapy, including accompanying me back to some of the wards to aid the process of remembering and healing.

Recovering from post-partum psychosis

Fortunately, I had no psychotic relapses, but I have battled panic attacks, continued anxiety, negative intrusive thoughts and depressive mood swings.

Most long-lasting has been a finger-picking habit bordering on OCD and self-harm, which has led me to wear gloves for a long time to enable me to get on with life without hurting myself every day. Last summer, under the advice of a psychiatrist, I came off all my medication successfully, which felt like a massive milestone.

It still stings when I see mums with their babies in the first three months because I’m aware I missed out on some invaluable moments. But I am grateful that I have bonded so well with Joshua in spite of everything and that he is so close to his dad, who has been our rock. I am so blessed to have had such a loving support network to help me through the hardest time in my life so far.

I am also thankful when I think how new mums in my position would have been written off as insane and locked up in the last century. I do still get a funny look occasionally when sharing my story, which clearly suggests there is still stigma around psychosis.

Nonetheless, the time is ripe to speak out on mental illness and so I add my own ‘me too’ because it can happen to anyone, even if they’ve never had psychological problems before.

No one is mentally invincible.

What are the symptoms of post-partum psychosis?

According to pregnancy and birth charity Tommy's, these are the key signs of post-partum psychosis.

  • being severely depressed and/or being manic – extremely energetic and talkative

  • quick changes of mood (up and down)

  • being restless and agitated

  • being very withdrawn and not talking to anyone

  • being very confused

  • not sleeping

  • racing thoughts

  • hearing voices or seeing things that aren’t there (hallucinations)

  • developing unusual beliefs (delusions)

  • feeling things aren’t real (like you’re in a dream world)

  • feeling paranoid and suspicious of other people

  • behaviour that is out of character

  • feeling suicidal

  • thinking about, and/or planning suicide, and sometimes thinking of taking your baby with you because of bad feelings about the world around you.

If you are concerned that you have post-partum psychosis

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