The Full Moon in Aquarius is asking you to unleash your inner rebel

full moon in aquarius august 2024 blue moon super moon
How to work with August's Super Blue Full MoonHearst Owned

Are you ready to embrace the most radiant, empowered, authentic version of yourself?

Have you felt the calling to drastically switch up the status quo, rebelling against structure or limitations in your life?

Or, if that all sounds faintly… exhausting, then perhaps you’re simply looking to shift the mundane in your life and welcome a fresh, snappy and electrifying new energy.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday August 19th is arriving to help you address each of these things.

How will it do this? By shining a light on the ways you still play small, tailor your personality to appease others, or hold back from chasing a dream because you fear judgement or failure.

Full Moon 101

In astrology, Full Moons are a period of release, cord cutting and breaking down of the boundaries that limit us. Over a New Moon we set fresh intentions, and two weeks later, beneath the glowing light of a Full Moon, we are encouraged to let go of that which no longer serves us.

Often, we do not realise that we are actively blocking ourselves from striding forward on the path to our desired life. Where do you regularly find yourself making excuses, procrastinating or prioritising ‘other things’ as a way of creating an obstacle? We do this because we have deeply ingrained 'shadow' beliefs that lurk in our subconscious. Full Moons are the ideal time to address these shadows.

Just as the Sun’s rays shine fully on the surface of the Moon, so too do things rise to the surface for us. Will we accept what we are being shown, or will we hide?

Each Zodiac Season brings us a Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon oppose one another in the cosmos. Because of the nature of this opposition, the Full Moon will always land in the opposite sign to where the Sun sits. Since we are in the midst of Leo Season, we have an opposition between an Aquarius Moon and a Leo Sun.

When zodiac signs are opposite each other, they create an interesting tension. In many ways, they share themes that link them, but because of the nature of polarity, then there are a few definitive traits that separate them.

Leo energy encourages us to take the stage and promote ourselves, urging us to channel the courage of the lion so that we can share our talents and accept our gifts. Leo is associated with our pride and our ego. Aquarius energy also wants us to step into the spotlight but not necessarily for personal gain. Aquarius is geared towards helping the collective, whereas Leo shines a light on our personal desires. You can imagine Leo energy as a diva taking the stage to deliver a stand-out performance to a rapturous audience, and Aquarius energy as the revolutionary standing on a stage to rally the people towards change.

Super Blue Full Moon

You might have seen this Full Moon referred to as a 'Super Blue Full Moon' or 'Super Full Blue Moon'. This is why.

The term Blue Moon can be used in two instances. Firstly when there are two Full Moons in a singular calendar month. The last Full Moon was in Capricorn on July 21, so in this instance, it refers to the third of four Full Moons in a season.

It is a Super Moon as the rocky satellite is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth.

The power of an Aquarius moon

Full Moons are about releasing our limiting beliefs and noticing what holds us back, and so over this Aquarius Full Moon you’re invited to think about how you’d align with your gifts, talents and desires if you had faith in yourself and were not fearful of judgement. How could these gifts then contribute to a better society for all? How can you let your inner rebel or your freak flag high, and own your authenticity with pride?

As the Aquarius Full Moon shines its light, we are encouraged to examine the shadowy corners of our psyche where self-doubt and fear reside. By confronting these inner barriers, we open the door to a future where we can fully embrace our authentic selves and pursue our true passions.

Aquarius is the sign associated with rebellion, innovation and ‘breaking free’. It is about celebrating our unique traits and revolutionary desires, regardless of what others might think of us. It is the sign of trailblazers and trendsetters.

The Aquarius Full Moon offers a cosmic opportunity to reprogram your subconscious and shed the constraints of conformity. This is the moment to let go of any beliefs that have kept you playing small or doubting your worth.

By focusing on the innovative and unconventional energies of Aquarius, we can dismantle the mental walls that have been erected by past experiences and societal expectations. Embrace this time to challenge old narratives and embrace the freedom to redefine your identity according to your own unique vision.

How do you want to release the outdated patterns that have been holding you back?

Making the most of this Super Blue Full Moon


Journaling is an incredibly powerful tool over the Full Moon since it encourages us to ask questions of ourselves that we may not have considered. We use it to better decipher where we feel aligned with our life's purpose, and where we are still conforming to what we feel society expects. We can observe where our fears meet ambition, and gently nudge ourselves to create the conditions that allow us to strive toward our dream life. Our Limiting Beliefs are the point at which we want something to happen but don't have faith in our own ability or worthiness.

Over the Full Moon, take time to sit quietly and consider the following questions. You might choose to meditate first, to allow your mind to find a state of stillness so your intuition can nudge its way forward. Try free-writing, where you let your pen glide across the page without stopping to regulate yourself.

  • What masks or personas have I been wearing to fit in or seek approval, and how can I remove these layers to reveal my most authentic self?

  • In what areas of my life have I been holding back my true potential due to fear or doubt, and how can I shift my mindset to embrace my inherent strengths with confidence?

  • How can I integrate my most innovative and unconventional ideas into my daily life or creative projects, and what might I need to let go of to fully manifest these new directions?

Tapping into your inner rebel

As you align with the transformative energy of the Aquarius Full Moon, notice how this lunar phase ignites your creative potential. How are you being invited to break from tradition and think outside the box? How can you allow yourself to step into a role or onto a path that truly reflect who you are?

This is a Full Moon to invite in disruption. Astrologically, we also have a cosmic alignment known as a ‘T-square’ occurring, between the Sun and Moon with Uranus in Taurus. A T-Square is when two celestial bodies are opposite one another and both form a ‘square’ 90 degree angle with a third planet. It can bring tension, challenge or disturbance, and since the planet in question is Uranus, then you’re being encouraged to release any expectations and go with the flow! Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and when challenged then it tends to throw major curveballs into the mix.

You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, and this is exactly what the challenging aspect from Uranus brings. You want to usher in a brand-new way of being? Something’s got to give, and that’s generally a comfort zone or a safety net that’s been keeping you secure but inert.

What will you do over this Full Moon that feels a little crazy, a little wild, a little unpredictable… but ultimately necessary?

Shifting the status quo

Channel the energy of this Full Moon to make change work for you. Around the Full Moon, think back on a ‘standard’ day.

How do you wake up – what is your usual routine, the first thoughts you have in the morning, or the ways you slip into unconscious habits? And what do you focus the majority of your attention on – how often does it incorporate your desires, joys and unique passions? What about your relationships – what’s your general attitude to love and partnership?

Now make a list of five things you are going to change the next day which will be a dramatic alteration to the norm. Perhaps it’s getting into nature and putting your feet on the soil before you make coffee. Maybe it’s promising yourself you’ll go for a swim on your lunch break, or send a random supportive message to a loved one, or speak your mind with someone who’s been taking advantage of you. Perhaps you’ll wake up an hour earlier to write your screenplay, or style your hair in a fashion that feels exciting and new. Even if you just do it for one day, this is your chance to switch the status quo. And who knows – it might be the catalyst for greater change further down the line.

Horoscopes for the August Full Moon in Aquarius

Certain areas of your life will be thrust into the spotlight over this Full Moon, so read these horoscopes for your Rising Sign if you know it, and your Sun (Star) sign if you don’t.


Your social circles, friendship groups and closest networks come under the spotlight beneath this Full Moon, Aries – specifically, what groups allow you to shine your brightest? Who drains your battery? Is there a way you can connect and engage with likeminded people in order to let your freak flag fly higher?

This is a prime time to align yourself with networks and creative endeavours that reflect your truest self. Are you still seeking validation from others, and is this stifling your genuine self-expression? Observe the shifts in your friendships during this lunar phase.

Who in your life sparks joy and champions your aspirations, and who depletes your energy or imposes limits on your boundaries? The Aquarius Full Moon encourages you to release superficial ties and invest in relationships that genuinely nurture your growth. Embrace this opportunity to let your creativity and authenticity blossom, free from the constraints of external expectations and pressures.


How do you want to break the mould in your professional life, Taurus? That’s what this lunar phase is asking you to consider. As the Full Moon illuminates your career and public persona, it casts a revealing light on the interplay between your professional aspirations and your home life.

This is the perfect moment to assess how your domestic environment might be influencing your career trajectory and public image. Have recent tensions arisen between your professional ambitions and personal life? Seek a harmonious balance that honours your core values.

The square from Uranus in Taurus can stir up sudden shifts or disruptions in how you project yourself and chase your career goals. This is your cue to shed any outdated self-images or rigid career expectations.

Embrace these changes with an open heart and a flexible mindset, using them as catalysts to realign your professional journey with your true self. Seize any opportunities to recalibrate your path in alignment with your authentic identity, allowing your career to flourish in its most genuine form. It’s time to step up and be seen!


Ready to broaden those horizons, Gemini? This Full Moon is all about a voyage of discovery, since it shines a spotlight on your higher education, travel aspirations, and philosophical beliefs. Where are you being nudged towards a fresh perspective in how you communicate, teach others or engage with learning, and how does this resonate with your broader worldview? You might experience a surge of wanderlust or a push for independence, which could clash with the demands of your daily routine.

Use this Full Moon as a launchpad to delve into new ways of thinking and expressing yourself that truly reflect your deeper truths Book the ticket, sign up to the course, push yourself into new territory.

The square from Uranus in Taurus could result in unexpected revelations or underlying fears that may challenge your pursuit of knowledge or your willingness to take bold leaps. Pay attention to any subconscious patterns that may be holding you back from fully embracing your authentic self. This lunar phase is a golden opportunity to break free from limiting beliefs and welcome change as a path to profound growth and self-discovery.

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The Aquarius Full Moon casts a revealing light on the way you ‘share’ – financial resources, emotions, vulnerability, business issues – these may all fall under the glare of the Moon. See it as a prompt to reassess how your core values mesh with your approach to collective finances and deep emotional bonds, Cancer.

This is a prime opportunity to introduce innovative methods for connecting with others and managing your resources. As hidden fears and old wounds surface, you might confront your hesitancy to fully reveal your authentic self, especially concerning how you're perceived within your social circles or groups. The Uranus square encourages you to embrace shifts in your friendships and adjust your long-term goals, using these changes as a catalyst for growth and transformation.

This Full Moon also amplifies the theme of intimacy—how can you express your true self more boldly in your relationships or explore unconventional desires? Reflect on how you can align with a more empowered, unapologetic version of yourself, letting go of outdated financial practices and restrictive beliefs to make way for a more authentic and liberated you.


As the Sun blazes in your sign Leo, the Full Moon sits opposite in the polar sign of Aquarius. This illuminates your 7th House of partnerships, casting a spotlight on how your personal identity harmonises with your interactions with others. Where have you recently felt nudged to express your true self boldly in your romantic dynamics? Just as importantly, where have you been adjusting your behaviour to fit others' expectations—how are you ready to embrace a more unconventional or authentic approach to love and partnership?

The Uranus square may stir up unexpected disruptions in your career, highlighting any tensions between your personal identity and professional ambitions. Use this Full Moon as an opportunity to release the pressure of conforming to ‘should’ in both your career and love life.

Let go of rigid expectations and instead focus on igniting the unique passion within you that enhances both your professional endeavours and your relationships. This is a Moon to identify and shed any limiting beliefs or outdated goals that are dulling your inner fire, allowing your authentic self to blaze fiercely in every aspect of your life!


Under the Full Moon in Aquarius, the spotlight is on your work, health, and daily routines Virgo – which doesn’t phase you, since these are themes that tend the resonate with your Rising sign in a quest for purity and clarity!

This lunar phase is urging you to dive deep into hidden fears and subconscious patterns that may be affecting your productivity and well-being. Have you been feeling stuck in a monotonous cycle lately? Are your daily obligations clashing with a yearning for deeper spiritual growth? This Full Moon invites you to reimagine your beliefs and habits to create space for profound insights and transformative practices.

Embrace this opportunity to research and then introduce innovative self-care and healing methods into your routine. If they feel a little woo-woo or out-the-box then even better – how are they enhancing both your physical health and your personal evolution?

Pay attention to any disruptions or challenges in your daily life or health, as they may be nudging you towards creative solutions like holistic therapies or mindfulness practices. Additionally, with the square from Uranus, you might encounter unexpected revelations related to higher education or travel—be mindful of your resistances and consider pushing through them to expand your horizons and enrich your journey.


The Full Moon in Aquarius casts a brilliant light on your creative endeavours and sources of joy, creating a ripple effect through your social circles and group dynamics. This is your opportunity to break free from old constraints and embrace innovative ways to showcase your creativity. How are you going to take the stage, Libra? In what ways are you being called to commit to a creative project that truly expresses who YOU are? What new techniques can you use to connect with others?

Over this lunar phase, reflect on where you may have been dimming your light or hesitating to fully express your true self. Are there lingering fears about letting go or immersing yourself in the pure pleasure of living? This Full Moon is all about stepping into the spotlight with confidence—whether that means promoting a passion project, showcasing your talents, or rekindling romance.

Pay attention to any resistance you feel and explore its roots. The Uranus square might stir up shifts in how you manage finances or emotional investments, encouraging you to adopt fresh strategies. Let these changes fuel your growth and creative expression and be open to discovering new ways to navigate vulnerability and openness in your relationships and financial dealings.


The Full Moon turns its radiant gaze toward your home and family dynamics, illuminating how these foundational areas influence your career and public persona. If the roots are strong, the tree will flourish and withstand storms – so where do you need to trust in the foundations? Equally, have you been reaching for the top of the mountain to such an extent that you’ve ignored nourishing yourself with self-care?

This lunar phase is your cue to harmonise your professional ambitions with your personal life and emotional well-being, Scorpio. Pay attention to any imbalances that may arise between your domestic world and career goals and be open to navigating these challenges with flexibility. If conflicts bubble up, view them as opportunities for growth and realignment.

The Uranus square may introduce unexpected twists in your relationships, challenging you to shed outdated patterns that disrupt your professional and personal equilibrium. As you reflect on your career and romantic life, consider what bold changes are necessary to achieve a more fulfilling balance.

Embrace these opportunities for transformation with courage and curiosity and take decisive steps to create a more harmonious blend of your personal and professional realms.


This Full Moon casts a spotlight on your communication, education, and local environment, urging you to assess how your daily interactions resonate with your deeper philosophical beliefs. Sagittarius, are you so caught up in your bustling routine or community tasks that you’ve overlooked your aspirations for higher learning or spiritual growth?

With Uranus stirring things up in your work, health, and daily habits, expect some disruptions or unexpected shifts in your routine. These changes are designed to help you shed outdated habits and rigid structures that no longer serve you.

Embrace this Moon as a chance to reinvent your daily practices, perhaps by exploring new learning opportunities, engaging more actively with your community, or redefining your use of social media and technology.

Consider if this upheaval also prompts you to rethink aspects of your job or health. Stay open to embracing these shifts as opportunities for personal growth and expansion, whether that means enrolling in a course, getting more involved locally, or pursuing new avenues for higher learning and travel.


This Full Moon emphasises your values, finances, and personal security, Capricorn. It’s a period for assessing how your financial strategies align with your true needs, and where this might be hindering you. Has a fear of lack inhibited your journey thus far? Do you mistrust your ability to provide for yourself or make money?

This is a Full Moon to re-evaluate your approach to finances and shared resources with an open mind. Experiment with new ways to address financial concerns while cultivating creativity and out-the-box thinking.

Embrace unexpected changes as opportunities for growth, and if material anxieties or concerns raise their heads then notice where this is prompting a deeper emotional transformation and a chance to confront hidden fears. This lunar phase could even bring up a chance to turn a unique talent into a source of income, so keep this in mind as the Full Moon glows in the night sky and encourages you towards financial freedom.

The square from Uranus may bring up unexpected shifts in your creative projects or romantic life, asking you to find innovative ways to balance these themes with your financial responsibilities whilst also embracing spontaneity.

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A Full Moon in your sign is always going to create greater emotional waves, Aquarius, and this one focuses its light on the interplay between your personal identity and self-expression versus how you present yourself to the world and how you connect with others. This lunar phase invites you to realign your self-image with your relationships and to boldly showcase the authentic you, without apologies.

It’s an ideal moment to refresh your look—whether that means a new haircut, a wardrobe overhaul, or a complete makeover. Embrace this opportunity to explore new ways of being true to yourself. If you haven’t been clear, honest or authentic in your relationships needs then this is a time to turn the tables so you can feel aligned in your love life.

If any disruptions arise in your home, triggered by the Uranus square, view them as chances for growth and deeper self-awareness. Adjust to new relational and familial dynamics with openness and consider unconventional solutions to domestic challenges. If love feels stagnant or disconnected, use this time to re-evaluate and reinvent your approach, breaking away from old patterns. It's a perfect moment to challenge the status quo and spark transformative changes!


This Full Moon invites a deep dive into your inner world, shedding light on hidden patterns and subconscious issues that shape your life. Luckily, you love submerging yourself in this kind of thing, Pisces!

It’s the perfect moment to explore transformative self-care practices that nurture both your emotional and physical well-being. Consider this lunar phase a chance to revolutionise your daily routine with fresh, innovative habits that support your holistic health and spiritual growth.

As the Full Moon reveals these underlying patterns that may be hindering your empowerment, be open to unconventional solutions that may arise, even if they seem a bit ‘woo woo’ or out there! The Uranus square might trigger shifts in your thinking or how you interact on social media, making this an ideal time to embrace sudden insights and new ways of connecting with others. Stay flexible in your self-expression and open to adapting your approach to communication and idea-sharing. ‘Ah ha’ moments abound!

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