Did You Go Through A Divorce Before Finding Your Perfect Person?

Most love stories aren't perfect or easy. They're filled with highs and lows, obstacles, and uncertainty. But, even if you don't get it right the first, second, or seventieth time, that doesn't mean you won't get your happy ending one day.

A woman in a strapless dress and a man in a suit sit outdoors, smiling and holding hands, possibly during a celebratory event
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Perhaps you married your high school sweetheart when you were just 19 years old. It felt like the only option at the time, but as the two of you got older and wanted to explore different paths, the marriage fell apart. You moved across the country for work after your 30th birthday and met someone at your new office who shared many of your interests and passions. You realized they were the person you were meant to find and marry, and after four years together, you tied the knot.

Two people embrace happily against an orange background. One wears a fluffy jacket, and the other gives a kiss on the cheek. Names unknown
Flashpop / Getty Images

Maybe you had an extremely messy divorce that stole years of your time and tens of thousands of your dollars. The entire experience was traumatizing, and you vowed never to get married again, especially since you were pushing 65 and didn't consider it a priority anymore. When someone special finally came along, you worried your aversion to marriage would ruin everything. After many open conversations, you both realized your relationship was strong on its own and didn't need to be validated by marriage. You two remain unwed but are as happy and in love as ever.

Older couple sitting on a park bench, smiling warmly at each other. The woman has long curly hair; the man has a beard
Tim Robberts / Getty Images

Or, perhaps you were utterly blindsided when your spouse of six years dropped divorce papers in front of you one night at dinner. You were completely in love with them and devastated by the news. You felt confident you'd never love again, but that changed two years later when your college crush reached out. They said they were moving to your area and wanted to take you to dinner, and the message gave you butterflies. You two quickly became inseparable, and you realized they were meant to be your other half all along.

Two people sharing an affectionate moment, heads touching, with a cityscape in the background
Superb Images / Getty Images

Did you find true love after enduring a divorce? Tell us your story in the comments or submit it anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.