Follicle Fails: A Gallery Of Brilliantly Bad Barnets

Not gonna lie, I’ve sported some extremely dodgy haircuts in my life. What can I say, I’m a 90s child, it was a desperate time for hair trends.

Once or twice I cried at the hairdressers when they refused to listen and snipped it that bit too short. Other times I’ve been complicit in my follicular downfall. Like the time I asked for that oh-so-popular short at the front spiky at the back do (in truth I was dead proud of it, retrospectively it presents horribly), or that time my sister and I did streaks in our barnets with arm hair bleach.

With every disaster I always repeated the comforting mantra “hair grows”. And it does but that doesn’t mean you develop the ability to be responsible with it.

My latest disaster was about three months ago when I paid a nice looking Frenchman a rather handsome sum to blow dry me like a first lady. I’ve not been to the hairdressers since.

Still, I firmly believe I’ve not come close to the level of WTF these guys have (No.2 being the exception).