Fleas force evacuation of Paris police station

A flea infestation has forced the evacuation of a police station in north-eastern Paris.

France's Alliance police union said the station had suffered "an invasion of fleas". It tweeted to say the infestation made working conditions "intolerable" for days.

Several officers had suffered bites and some staff had unwittingly taken the fleas back to their homes, the union added.

It said the problem persisted because officials had not completely disinfected the site.

The police union called on the government to fumigate the entire station, located in the capital city's 19th arrondissement.

The infestation reportedly began several weeks ago at the police station.

Officials from the union will meet with interior minister Christophe Castaner on Monday to discuss the issue.

Pest control experts will work to disinfect the police station on Monday and Tuesday, Le Parisien reports.