Feeling totally depleted? Here're the 10 signs that you're exhausted

symptoms of exhaustion
10 signs that you’re exhausted – and how to dealEkaterina Goncharova - Getty Images

Feeling more depleted than ever? If so, know that between the various extreme stressors being felt in society right now, from the cost of living crisis – especially bite-y at Christmas time – to fears around climate change, you're not alone.

No doubt, feeling drained is a human reaction to what has been, and continues to be, an incredibly hard time. Know, though, that there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

So: how to know if you are exhausted – and what to do about it? Scroll on for the expert know-how that might give you a lift.

What does fatigue and exhaustion feel like?

'Exhaustion is overwhelming,' says nutritionist Jennie Gough, who has herself suffered from – and overcome – the condition.

What happens to your body during exhaustion?

'It’s not like normal tiredness. It’s like you’re trying to move through thick mud, and think through thick fog. All you want to do is lie down and sleep – and then sleep some more, after that. You can’t function because everything leaves you wiped out.'

So, potentially all you multi-tasking, high achieving, Type A women could be at risk. 'We’re seeing an increasing number of women with symptoms of exhaustion,' says Dr Sarah Brewer, GP and Healthspan medical director.

'Perhaps because they are more likely to juggle different aspects of life and have less time to prioritise their own health.'

What are the common symptoms of exhaustion?

  1. You can’t think straight – or at all

  2. You are more than stressed out

  3. Your usual healthy go-to's have been replaced by chocolate bars, crisps and coke

  4. You find yourself counting sheep one too many nights in a row

  5. Your lips are constantly cracked and dry

  6. You can’t bear the thought of the gym – and when you do manage to drag yourself there, your PBs have significantly dropped

  7. Your mood is tumultuous to say the least

  8. You feel short of breath – even when you’re doing nothing at all

  9. You seem to permanently have the office cold

  10. Your sofa is fast becoming your new BFF

Can you get sick from exhaustion?

If your exhaustion has continued for over four months, then you may be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, per the NHS.

According to the NHS, CFS is a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms including extreme tiredness. Sometimes it's referred to as ME, which stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis, however, the syndrome is the same. There is no specific test for it, so a diagnosis is based on the symptoms you've got, and by crossing other potential issues off the list.

CFS/ME can affect anyone, including children but it's more common in women aged between mid-20s and mid-40s.

The common symptoms include sleep problems muscle or joint pain, headaches, feeling dizzy or sick and fast or irregular heartbeats (heart palpitations) but there are many more, which can often be exaggerated by exercise.

'Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs when energy delivery mechanisms in the body are down, or energy is being used by the immune system to, say, fight a chronic infection,’ is the belief of Dr Sarah Myhill, author of Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis. Which means? 'There is no energy left to live.'

'The symptom of stress occur when the brain knows it does not have the energy to deal with the demands of life,' Dr Myhill continues. 'If we mask that symptom – with a prop such as sugar, alcohol or caffeine – then we 'sail close to the wind' and a minor viral infection could be all it takes to flip the body into a CFS state.'

It's important to note, however, that there the medical profession is not united on the root cause or trigger of CFS. The official NHS stance is that a few theories may hold the truth, including that could be triggered by:

  • viral infections, like glandular fever

  • bacterial infections, like pneumonia

  • immune system issues

  • a hormone imbalance

  • mental health problems

  • genetics, as CFS/ME appears to be more common in people with relatives who have it

When should I be concerned about fatigue?

If you think you might be at risk – or already showing symptoms of exhaustion – it's time to call your GP.

'When someone is showing signs of exhaustion,' Dr Brewer says, 'a GP should ask questions to help pinpoint the cause (for example, could it be the result of lifestyle, stress, depression, post-viral fatigue, medication side effects or pregnancy?).

'They should also examine you – checking your blood pressure, heart rhythm, temperature, thyroid size, liver, and look for any obvious intra-abdominal lumps).'

Still at odds? 'Request a screening test to rule out conditions such as a hidden infection, anaemia, diabetes, thyroid or other autoimmune diseases, kidney liver or heart problems,' Dr Brewer suggests.

⚠️ If you think you could be suffering from symptoms of exhaustion or extreme fatigue, see a GP. They'll be able to assess your symptoms and prescribe medication, if necessary.

Can high blood pressure cause you to feel more tired?

In a word, 'yes.' High blood pressure can play a role in tiredness. But, why? Well, high blood pressure increases pressure on vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys, which causes tiredness.

Often, unexplained tiredness that doesn’t appear to have a cause can be a result of high blood pressure.

OK, so how do you deal with fatigue symptoms?

While your symptoms of exhaustion may point to the need to take a solid week of rest, the following, from Gough, may help you to feel more energised.

It’s pretty simple – out with energy-zapping foods, in with energy-pumping alternatives, and make a few – minor – adjustments to your current lifestyle, including getting the full span of vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function at its peak. Oh, and don’t break the following rules, says Gough. You’ll thank us for it in the long run.

1. Eat smaller, more regular meals

AKA get snacking. ‘Eating every three to four hours can help reduce sugar cravings and prevent blood sugar crashes that can stress your body and make you feel more tired,’ Gough says.

2. Get 7-8 hours of (quality) sleep per night

‘It’s important to establish good sleep habits and a regular bedtime routine,’ Gough says. Feel like your five? Suck it. ‘Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol in the evening, unplug electronics and adjust your bedroom temperature to a be bit cooler.’

3. Control your cortisol

‘Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone,’ Gough says. ‘For some people, chronic fatigue may be linked to a disruption in their normal cortisol rhythm. Rebalance yours by managing your stress levels.’ Easier said than done? Try this technique for relieving stress in three minutes and read up on what happened when our editor took a cortisol test.

What are the best foods to eat when tired?

1. Eggs

Well, anything rich in protein, to be honest – chicken, fish, quinoa, the list goes on.

Nutritional therapist Libby Limon steps it up a notch. ‘Combining proteins with healthy fats is the best way to give a sustainable energy supply to the body,’ she says. ‘Have poached eggs with avocado, for example, or trout with a quinoa salad.’

2. Spinach

Popeye had it right. ‘Being low on iron can make you feel tired and breathless,’ says Gough. ‘Eat plenty of leafy greens, red meat and fortified foods. If symptoms persist, ask your GP to check your iron levels to rule out anaemia.’

3. Butternut squash

Can’t bear the food prep faff? Any other slow-release carb – think brown rice, lentils, chickpeas – will do.

4. Turkey

It’s time to rethink your relationship with this festive favourite. ‘It’s rich in B vitamins such as B6 and B12, which help support normal energy metabolism and can help reduce symptoms of exhaustion,’ Gough says. Veggie? Wholegrain cereals like oats and brown rice, will also do the trick.

5. Nuts

They’re pretty much good at everything so no wonder they’ve made the cut for combating fatigue. The reason? They’re a solid source of magnesium. ‘Your body needs magnesium in order to manufacture energy so if levels are low, you’ll be persistently tired,’ Gough says. Other sources of the mineral include green leafy vegetables and seeds.

Want more information on how to eat for extra energy? Check out this advice, courtesy of Registered Dietitian Tai Ibitoye (@taitalksnutrition).

What shouldn't I eat if I have the signs of fatigue?

1. Double espresso

'Yes, they make you feel great initially,’ says Gough. ‘But they can be too stimulating, and lead to a 'crash and burn' effect – adding significant stress to your adrenal glands and depleting your body of vital energy.’

The same goes for anything containing caffeine. Soz. Really can’t go without? ‘Try organic green tea,’ says Limon. ‘Unlike coffee, it slowly releases caffeine due to an amino-acid called L-Theanine, which counters with a calming effect.’ Magic.

2. Biscuits

Highly processed or sugar foods (such as cakes, chocolate and biscuits) send your blood sugar levels on a rollercoaster ride to fatigue, anxiety and cravings. ‘Choose fruit and slow-releasing carbs to keep energy levels more stable,’ Gough says.

What is the best supplement for tiredness?

There are a few supplements on the market, however, these three are famed for their fatigue-fighting properties.


B vitamins are co-factors for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), your body’s energy source. Look for a supplement that contains all the B vitamins – these nutrients work best as a team. But watch out. ‘It is important not to consume too much so always consult your doctor or a nutritionist before taking any supplements,’ Gough says.

Panax ginseng

‘Panax ginseng can boost physical energy, prevent fatigue and improve endurance,’ Dr Brewer says.

Should I exercise when tired?

Chances are exercise is going to be the last thing on your mind but, when it comes to fending off signs of exhaustion, it’s important to keep the body moving.

Personal trainer and yoga teacher Emily Cohen suggests going back to basics: ‘Take the stairs when you can, walk around the block in your lunch break and do a few stretches before bed.’ Combine that with Limon’s mindful exercises for the optimum fatigue-fighting approach:

Meditation or 2:4 breath

‘Close your eyes and breathe in for a count of two, then out for a count of four,’ she says. ‘Breathing out for longer than you breathe in, soothes and relaxes the nervous system.’

Body reading

‘Focus on one part of your body at a time, starting with your toes,’ she says. ‘With each breath, work your way up your body. This is a fantastic way to relax the mind and switch off from stress.’

Yoga for tiredness

‘Opt for passive techniques that focus on breathing to revive and energise,’ she says. ‘Yoga nidra, for example, is very nourishing for the body. If you can’t find a class, there are lots of recordings to follow online.’

‘Choose a restorative type such as bridge pose, with a yoga block placed under the sacrum to support and take the weight, and hold for 3-5 minutes,’ she says.

The combination of movement, stretching and deep focused breathing yoga provides us with can help draw more oxygen in, boosting your mental clarity and awakening your body.

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