Your fastest and slowest London Marathon miles revealed

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Fastest and slowest London Marathon miles revealedSUSANNAH IRELAND - Getty Images

Data from Strava has revealed when runners tend to run their fastest and slowest mile during the London Marathon.

While most aim to run the whole thing at a steady pace, between the excitement of the occasion and serious fatigue, this doesn’t always happen.

For anyone running this weekend, be aware that mile 7 – around Deptford – has been highlighted as the fastest with people running an average of an 8:48 minute mile.

This may be down to trying to pick up speed after a congested Greenwich at mile 6, and of course a fresh feeling in the legs. Just try to remember you've still got 19 to go...

The slowest mile on the other hand is the last. Mile 25 comes in at an average of 10:20 as people try to grind out the finish.

The crew and club cheer zones tend to centre around these final miles with runners needing as much support as they can get.

Other interesting facts Strava unearthed?

Women are better at pacing than men with an average drop in speed of 11% compared to 17%.

Across all age groups, the average finish time for men was 3 hours 39 mins, with the average finish time for women being 4 hours 17 mins.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, across all age groups, the more training runners put in during the 13 weeks prior to the event the faster they ran. This offers clear evidence that there really is no substitute for putting in the hard graft and getting the miles in.

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