'Family is the most important thing' to Mike and Zara Tindall - astrologer unpicks marriage ahead of 12th anniversary

 Zara and Mike Tindall at Wimbledon 2023
Zara and Mike Tindall at Wimbledon 2023

As Zara and Mike Tindall prepare to celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary, a celebrity astrologist has unpicked their marriage by analysing their star-signs and revealing what it says about the royal couple. 

It only feels like yesterday that Prince William and Kate Middleton tied the knot, but another royal couple celebrating a marriage milestone is Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall who married just months after the Wales', on 30th July 2011 at Edinburgh's Canongate Kirk.

Like Kate and Wills, Mike and Zara have three children together. Two daughters -Mia, nine, and Lena, five - and a two-year-old son called Lucas. And celebrity astrologist Inbaal Honigman, on behalf of Slingo, has shared her thoughts on their relationship, and touches on how they are as a family.

It comes after it was revealed Mike and Zara rely on 'child-led parenting methods'.

Inbaal explained, "In astrology, there is one specific planet that governs love. It is the planet Venus, named for the ancient Roman goddess of love. This planet rules two star signs – Libra and Taurus.

“Mike Tindall is a Libra, and Zara Tindall is a Taurus. Their compatibility starts right there, as they are both under the watchful eye of the Goddess of love. Mike’s ruling planet is Venus because he is a Libra. Zara’s ruling planet is Venus because she is Taurus."

Mike and Zara Tindall kiss
Mike and Zara Tindall kiss

And the apparent match and marriage made in heaven doesn't end there, as Inbaal claims it means they share the same values, hobbies and goals in life.

Aside from being an accomplished equestrian - winning silver in the 2012 Olympics - Zara previously revealed she is also a talented gymnast, runner and hurdler. She once quipped that she is a skilled swimmer - a talent she likely inherited from her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

And husband Mike has a famously sporty side too - and the English former rugby player has taken up golf more recently. Zara has also been known to pick up a club, having hit the fairways in Cheltenham as part of the Australian Open golf tournament in 2022.

Inbaal said, "Their marriage revolves around their family, their home, and their love for one another. The planet Venus focuses on emotional love, building a home together, raising children and planning their joint future together,” she noted.

“In their joint life together, when Libra and Taurus are a couple, their family is the most important thing. They invest all their love in each other and in their loved ones, and spend their time ensuring that their home is a haven to escape from the world. They’ll surround themselves with beautiful things that remind them of special moments in their relationship."

Mike and Zara Tindall with their kids Lena and Mia at Easter Church service
Mike and Zara Tindall with their kids Lena and Mia at Easter Church service

Mike and Zara have recently spent time together at Wimbledon watching the tennis and as a family they kicked off the start of the summer holidays by taking their kids to see Tequila Circus at Minchinhampton Rugby Club.

Inbaal continued, "Their compatibility works well for their star signs, as their Venus link is so apparent, but a glance at their full natal charts reveals an extra lovely match. Their moon signs are compatible too, and in a really symmetrical way. Zara has her sun in Taurus and her moon in Libra, and Mike has his sun in Libra and his moon in Taurus. Everything that’s true about their sun sign compatibility is doubly true for their moon sign compatibility.”

Mike Tindall with kids Lucas and Lena and split layout with Zara Tindall and Mia Tindall
Mike Tindall with kids Lucas and Lena and split layout with Zara Tindall and Mia Tindall

But while there are lots of similarities between Zara and Mike she warned, "Taurus and Libra aren’t identical to one another. Taurus is more indoorsy and loves books. Taureans are foodies and enjoy experiencing tastes and textures."

And to describe Mike, Inbaal added, "Libra is more sociable and elegant, loves art and new ideas. Librans are stylish and enjoy design."

Differences aside, Inbaal acknowledged their unity. "But their inner personalities are extremely similar, and they both aspire to be with their chosen partner for a lifetime," she said.

"They’re such a great match, and so stable together, that their future promises to be more of the same."

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