Explore Canada's abandoned 'Crypto King' mansion

A once-loved home shrouded in mystery...



Now nearly invisible in its shroud of dense undergrowth, this abandoned mansion in Canada was once the epitome of opulence, wealth and comfort. According to local lore, the building was last owned by an infamous ‘Crypto King,’ who had amassed an enormous fortune through his crypto-mining operations which he ran from the basement of the home.

But what circumstances led to the owner allegedly vanishing without a trace? Read on to explore the eerie mansion he left behind…

An expansive estate



The incredible mansion clearly has certainly seen better days, but it’s apparent even in its derelict state that it was once an impressive estate. The property spans two separate lots and includes a tennis court, swimming pool and spacious front yard.

However, the most interesting insights into the property’s past can be found inside the building, as urban explorer Dave of Freaktography discovered…

Elegant entryway



Entering the home, you immediately find yourself in a grand foyer, with a sweeping staircase, double-height ceiling and leaded glass windows framing the front door.

The polished hardwood flooring still appears to be in excellent condition, as do the moulded wall panels. From the view of this space alone, one might easily believe that the home was ready to receive guests rather than an abandoned relic.

Signs of damage



Moving into what was presumably once the great room or primary living space, it’s much easier to see the signs of damage and decay.

A ceiling leak has resulted in large pools of water, damaging and discolouring the floor below, and broken windows have likewise left the space exposed to the elements.

Former glory



However, with a row of floor-to-ceiling windows and doors overlooking the pool and patio, this room was likely once a lovely suntrap in which to relax. High ceilings and decorative moulding also help to give the room an added sense of polish.

Mysterious medical gear



Throughout the room, and indeed throughout the house, discarded detritus was discovered either left behind by its elusive owner or squatters who purportedly called the property home for a time following his departure. But, more on that later...

Strangely, these items include boxes of surgical masks and surgical gowns. We wonder what they might have been needed for?

70s-style interiors



The room features faux stone wall tiling and marble flooring, combined with a very 1970s brown colour palette.

At one end of the room, a fireplace presumably once provided a cosy spot around which to gather, while opposite the wall of windows, a very large built-in cabinet provides both ample storage, and, oddly, a window through to the adjoining room…

Gorgeous woodwork



With gorgeous wooden panelling from floor to ceiling and a dramatic spiral staircase, this room may once have been a den or library.

The lustrous cherry panelling is in remarkably good condition given the damage to the adjoining room, and would only need the tiniest bit of TLC to be restored to its former glory.

Fortunes made and lost



The staircase is enclosed three-quarters of the way by windows, creating a unique room. A true work of master craftsmanship, the detailing is suggestive of the extensive wealth of the home's previous owner.

Crypto is notoriously volatile as an investment and it's possible to lose millions overnight, could this explain his sudden disappearance from this beautiful property?

Opulent master suite



Up the staircase, the home’s second storey consists largely of bedrooms, most of which are in surprisingly good condition. With an ornate marble fireplace and ensuite, this room was likely the master bedroom.

Interestingly, while it may look like the staircase leads directly to this room, in reality it was once closed off by a wall of glass brickwork, which has now either fallen or been knocked down.


More water damage



The dark upstairs hallways do show some signs of water damage, with peeling paint and stained carpet.

During his exploration, Dave wandered the hallways carefully, unsure what might be around each corner…

Signs of life



The greatest surprise came when Dave entered yet another bedroom to find signs of life.

“As we stepped cautiously through the crumbling ruins, we stumbled upon an unexpected twist – there were signs of someone squatting there,” he explained.

An unexpected guest



The setup included a mattress and some bedding, neatly made up. Dave said: "A squatter has made this forsaken mansion their home, adding an extra layer of intrigue to our exploration."

However, there were no indications that the squatter was on the premises at the time.

A hidden hot tub



Another surprise hiding on the second storey was an indoor hot tub, tucked away in its own private room.

Complete with an ornate leaded stained glass keyhole window and a skylight, this lush oasis would have made the perfect place to kick back and relax after a long day down the crypto mines.

More luxurious living spaces



Back on the first floor, this room was likely another living or family space, with beautiful, polished hardwood floors, an elegant marble and carved wood fireplace and decadent window drapes.

The room appears to be in quite good condition, although the left side of the draping has disappeared from one of the windows and one of the lampshades is missing from the chandelier, though someone appears to have thoughtfully placed it on the mantelpiece…

Pizza party remains



The kitchen, too, was clearly once quite an impressive space for entertaining, with hardwood cabinets, marble countertops, an extravagant coffered ceiling and a spacious island. However, it appears to have been torn asunder by a recent visitor to the property, with drawers ripped out of cabinets and detritus strewn across the floor. There was even a take-out box left over from a mysterious ‘pizza party.’

However, unquestionably the property’s greatest surprise was lurking in the basement...

The crypto cave



Here lies an entire secret room dedicated to mining cryptocurrency. With thermal insulation hanging from the rafters and sealed-up windows Dave discerned that the room must have been used for Bitcoin mining, back in the crypto millionaire's heyday...

Lots of equipment



This theory was further backed up by the dozens upon dozens of discarded boxes for storing equipment, such as computer graphics cards and a fan for presumably keeping the room cool during 'mining' sessions.

However, while the packaging remains, the equipment itself is all long gone.

Curious quarters



The basement is entirely unfinished, and it's hard to imagine why with such lavish living conditions upstairs, the owner wouldn’t have spared a little largesse to make the headquarters for his mining operation a bit more comfortable.

Left to rot



Outside, the property has succumbed to the elements and Mother Nature. The once luxurious pool now has a swamp-like appearance.

Nevertheless, the mansion was built on an impressive plot, and according to public records, the "single-family" home has space for an incredible seven parking spaces.

A new owner?



Despite the fact that it has been left to decay, the entire property is still estimated to be worth a cool CA$4.2 million ($3m/£2.4m) and is currently listed as vacant land for development.

Dave believes that someone may have purchased the home given that the property was recently secured, and there appears to be some attempts at salvage taking place within the house. However, he said the mansion, rather sadly, is likely, "to be demolished for a new build."

So many mysteries...



As it currently stands, what lies in store for this mansion remains just as much of a puzzle as what events transpired to result in its current abandoned state.

Who was the ‘Crypto King’, and what dramatic turn of events caused him to leave behind this magnificent home? We can only guess…

Now see inside more abandoned mansions here