Experts warn against 'dangerous' baby neck floats

Photo credit: Thomas Lai Yin Tang / Getty
Photo credit: Thomas Lai Yin Tang / Getty

From Prima

They may seem like a simple and effective way to let your child play in the water worry-free, but experts have warned against the dangers of baby 'neck floats'. The floatation devices –which many people think make babies look cute – have become extremely popular this summer, with many parents taking to social media to share photos of children wearing them.

However, concerns are now being voiced that the small, rubber-ring like products – which attach around the neck and are mainly used in pools, baths and 'baby spas' – are 'potential death traps' that can increase the risk of drowning. Kyran Quinlan, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, said: 'Neck floats for babies scare me to death, and I hope they scare parents… To have your precious baby one poorly sealed seam away from going under at the pool is frightening.'

Indeed, several neck float products have been recently recalled due to a failure to comply with safety standards. At the time, Fair Trading Executive Director Brian Bauer told the Daily Mail that 'unless baby neck floats are medically prescribed and professionally fitted, they can be very dangerous.'

'If the float is too wide, the baby's mouth and nose can become obstructed,' he explained. 'If the float is too loose, the baby could slip through altogether. If the float is too tight, breathing may become laboured or the carotid artery compressed.

'There are also concerns around stability and the potential for the baby to tip over, particularly if other children are in the water creating an uneven surface.'

And it's not just the physical danger of neck floats we should be concerning ourselves with. Kaylë Burgham of the Swimming Teachers' Association (STA), says that parents who rely on these devices rather than getting in the water along with them are missing out on some essential bonding time.

'While disengaging from the world in floating tanks can be wonderfully relaxing for stressed adults, this is not what babies want or need – physically or emotionally,' she said.

'This isolated activity completely goes against the very essence of baby swimming, which is human contact: bonding with your child so they can explore the water in a safe, relaxed, fun environment.'

Adding his voice to the criticism is Francoise Freedman, the founder of UK charity Birthlight, who highlighted the potential risks linked to the frequent use of a neck device that claims total safety and apparent comfort for babies, yet deprives them of the freedom to move – a factor that could incur long-term repercussions.

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