Experts say fasted cardio could be doing you more harm than good

Fasted cardio has gone big time recently. Last year, even J Lo shared that she was getting her fix, and it's not just the A-list who are fans. The training technique of exercising before eating anything (usually before breaking your overnight fast) is one that bodybuilders, endurance athletes and your average fitness pal all have in common.

Whether you're getting sweaty on the treadmill, hitting your exercise or yoga mat for a home workout or spinning like hell on your Peloton, fasted cardio can be easily incorporated.

All that said, the benefits of fasted cardio depends very much on the individual, and even then it is there to act as the cherry on top of an already healthy routine. It should never be the be-all and end-all. Let us explain: there's literally no use in doing fasted cardio every day if you don't sleep, eat fast food only and neglect strength training, for example.

Concentrate on a balanced workout routine with adequate rest, proper nutrition and good stress management, on the other hand, and fasted cardio could help you achieve your goals sooner. Just remember, it's by no means a one-size-fits-all method. Some of us are simply not built to go to the gym without a big old breakfast, and would feel better and benefit more from training in a 'fed state', and that's OK. Here's what you need to know.

Who should avoid fasted cardio?

As with everything that involves tweaking your food or exercise schedule, fasted cardio isn't appropriate (or safe) for everyone.

Exhibit A: if exercising without eating beforehand triggers any thoughts of restriction or eating disorder tendencies, pull back and ask for help. Your health is always the most important thing.

If you, or anyone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder, contact Beat, the UK-based charity who hope to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.
T: 0808 801 0677
E:, under-18s:

Exhibit B: if you try it and hate it, that's also completely fine. There's absolutely no use in pushing through - you'll only maintain an exercise routine if you enjoy it.

'It's important to remember that fasted cardio is a personal choice,' says trainer Sarah Craske, owner of functional fitness studio F45 Cambridge Station. 'Some find it difficult to eat prior to a workout whereas others need the energy from food – it's completely dependent on the individual.'

So, do you - just keep your mental and physical health in mind, 'k?

If you identify with any of the following medical concerns, it's best to speak to your GP thoroughly first, before even considering fasted cardio:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You are someone with diabetes

  • You have low blood pressure

  • You have an adrenal-related medical condition, like Addison's disease

  • You are a teenager or a child

What is 'fasted cardio'?

In short, fasted cardio the act of doing cardiovascular exercise without having eaten before. Ever gone for a jog before breakfast? That's fasted cardio. Done a sweaty HIIT workout at home before your normal coffee and banana? You guessed it, fasted cardio.

For a deeper dive into what fasted cardio actually means, we asked Registered Dietitian and Fuelbetter's lead sports dietician, Anna Hardman, to fill us in.

'If you’re exercising in a fasted state, it means you’re trying to exercise when your liver and muscle tissue are glycogen-depleted. Glycogen is your body’s way of storing carbohydrates, and your body needs carbohydrates to fuel the brain and to fuel high-intensity exercise,' she explains.

Types of fasted cardio

There are two kinds of fasted cardio. 'Exercising in a fasted state has two levels,' explains Hardman. 'Level one is when your liver is low on glycogen, but your muscle glycogen stores are still decent. You can achieve this by having an early dinner, and then exercising the next morning before breakfast.'

(For non-elite athletes or very techy amateurs, level one is the type of fasted cardio you're more likely to fall into.)

'Level two is when you’ve gone to the trouble of depleting your muscle glycogen stores and deliberately not replenishing them – for example, by exercising intensely for a week and minimising carbohydrate intake during that time.'

Reducing your carbohydrates like this is something that's normally reserved for elite and higher-level athletes. The hardcore stuff. Cutting any food group in this way should always (and we can't stress this enough) be done with professional supervision and guidance: It's not just about chucking all the pasta in the bin and going cold turkey.

Remember, smart fitness is sustainable fitness.

4 fasted cardio benefits

Like everything in life, each individual will reap the rewards of fasted cardio differently to the next. This is because body types, genetics, age and activity level will play some part in influencing how your body reacts to exercise in a fasted state, a.k.a. fasted cardio.

Equally, if you don't feel able to put in the work when you're sans fuel, you won't get the benefits of a good workout. So, remember these are felt by some not all.

1. Fat loss

Fasted cardio has long been a tool used by people trying to lose weight well and get the most out of their fat loss efforts. However, it's not as clear cut as you might think. Whilst exercising without eating can slightly accelerate fat loss, it's not the only way nor the most enjoyable.

'There is a lot of attention currently focused on the idea that exercising in a fasted state can help accelerate weight loss by encouraging the body to rely more on fat and less on carbohydrates as fuel,' describes Hardman.

'However, there is a catch: not only can this make training feel like extra hard work, but in a fasted state your body may also breakdown muscle mass to provide the fuel it needs to exercise. In addition, the reward, for those able to stick fasted exercise, is only a very modest increase in the amount of fat burned as fuel.'

So, don't take fasted cardio as a one-way ticket to your body composition goals.

Looking after your nutrition, sleep, stress and incorporating other forms of exercise like resistance and strength training exercises is what will get you there. This tweak to your training is something to consider when you've got all other pieces of the puzzle in place first.

2. Efficiency

Half of the battle of morning workouts can be waking up with enough time to eat something and let it digest before you start. Fasted cardio means you can get up, get dressed and get on with it. It's a time-saver, but that definitely shouldn't be the main driver. Health first, pls.

3. Feeling

For some people, the feeling of working out before eating (so, fasted cardio) can make them feel faster, lighter or more agile. Craske says that this can be highly beneficial before plyometric workouts or short runs.

4. Improved performance

Before we jump into how fasted cardio can improve your athletic performance, there's a crucial note to make: the benefits on performance will mostly be felt by serious endurance athletes – something the majority of us are not.

'Studies have shown that training in a level two fasted state may help to improve race performance,' Hardman says. 'This is because training while muscles are glycogen-depleted encourages the active muscle tissue to rely a little more on fat and a little less on carbohydrates as their fuel source.

'For endurance athletes, this helps them preserve glycogen stores until a little later in the race – giving them an edge on their competitors by allowing them to run faster for longer.'

7 risks of fasted cardio

If not done safely, there are some fasted cardio warning signs to look out for.

'Symptoms that indicate unsafe fasted cardio exercise mainly relate to low blood sugar and dehydration,' says GP, founder and medical director of The Lifestyle Code Clinic Dr Mishkat Shehata. These include:

  1. Lightheadedness

  2. Confusion

  3. Shakiness

  4. Weakness

  5. Pallor

'The important thing is to listen to your body and know when it is telling you to stop,' says Craske. 'You must also always ensure you are drinking water throughout any workout, as this will have a huge impact on the way you feel.'

Got that? Don't kid yourself if you start feeling west and keep your water bottle filled up. Non-negosh.

6. It could cause a hormone imbalance

Fasted cardio could also have a negative effect on your hormonal balance, while training in a 'fed state' is believed to work in favour of balancing them out. The source of this is an increased sensitivity to low energy availability (i.e. when you ‘deny your body of an important fuel source’) compared to that of males. ‘Kisspeptin is a neuropeptide responsible for sex hormones and endocrine and reproductive function,’ Dr Stacy Sims, a female physiologist, explains.

‘It plays a significant role in maintaining healthy glucose levels, appetite regulation and body composition. Women have two areas of this in their hypothalamus – their brain – whereas men have one, so women have a greater sensitivity to changes in their energy balance. This energy balance is disrupted through fasted cardio, as your brain perceives a deficiency in nutrients.’ Indeed, one study found that fasting decreases the production of kisspeptin, thereby disrupting the release of estrogen and progesterone – the two key female reproductive hormones.

Read our full guide on training in a fed state, if you think that could be more beneficial for your health.

7. It could hinder muscle growth

Research shows that if there aren't enough carbs in your system for energy, your body begins a process called gluconeogenesis, which converts protein into fuel. If you're looking to build muscle, you want to be left with some protein post-workout, for your body to use to repair and rebuild your muscles. Not the one.

8. It could hinder your endurance

As mentioned above, if you're a training machine/athlete, fasted cardio may actually improve your performance, but for others, trying to smash out an endurance workout on an empty stomach may mean that you end your session sooner. Sure enough, studies show that consuming food pre-workout, 'in a fed state', can naturally lead to a longer endurance aerobic session.

How long should a fasted cardio session be?

Anything moderate, under an hour, is best, advises Craske. Go over the 60-minute mark and you could start to reap the grizzly side effects of your body being low on fuel.

During a medium-paced run or spin on the exercise bike, try to keep your effort at a low to moderate intensity. LISS (low-intensity steady state) training falls into this category too, like walking and gentle swim workouts.

What to eat after fasted cardio

The best bit about finishing fasted cardio: the food. You've waited a little longer than normal so chances are you'll be more hungry, but because you've put your body under a little more strain, there is a smart way to refuel.

'After exercise, you really want to focus on a nutrient-rich meal with a balance of carbohydrates and protein,' says Hardman. Think eggs on toast, protein pancakes, a balanced smoothie with vegan protein powder or Greek yoghurt with overnight oats, porridge or cereal.

Need some inspiration? Check out these healthy post-fast cardio breakfast options

'I did fasted cardio for two weeks: here's how I found it'

For one former WH account manager, fasted cardio was the piece of the puzzle she hadn't quite been able to place yet.

In spite of a schedule that prioritised cardio (#spinlover), Camilla Wood would always down a coffee and munch a banana before she left home.

But, after reading research published by the American Physiological Society, that found working out pre- breakfast uses stored fat – rather than that bowl of granola – to fuel metabolism, her mind started to turn.

Another study from Northumbria University found that fasted cardio can help you burn up to 20% more body fat than post-breakfast training (with no appetite increase), was the final nail. She decided it was time to take the empty-bellied plunge.

How Camilla changed her workouts

'To go a little easier on myself, I swapped my six usual workouts for four spinning ones and, with two extra rest days a week, I was pretty excited about the prospect of losing more body fat with less effort,' she says. 'I didn’t find myself lacking energy when I trained first thing at 7 am – but my 10 am Saturday sessions were a different story. I was starving and found myself regularly (and surreptitiously) turning down the resistance.

Was it worth it?

'By the end of two weeks, I had lost an impressive 2kg and 2% body fat. For me, it feels like a totally sustainable change to the way I usually work out – and now that I’ve ditched the caffeine, I have much more energy throughout the day.'


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