The Exercises That Get 'Magic Mike Live' Dancer Harry Carter Stage Ready

The Exercises That Get 'Magic Mike Live' Dancer Harry Carter Stage Ready

There are some jobs where being in shape is a non negotiable. We're thinking fireman, soldier and certainly Magic Mike: Live dancer.

But how exactly do you get – and stay – in shape to play an adonis of a man? Allow Magic Mike dancer Harry Carter to explain. For the past four years, Carter has been strutting his stuff in Magic Mike's London show: Magic Mike Live. Then, in 2023, he writhed his way onto the big screen, featuring in Magic Mike’s Last Dance, the final instalment in Channing Tatum's – a man who it has to be said Carter somewhat resembles – critically and commercially-acclaimed franchise.

Carter's path to the movies has been anything but easy. In 2019, the 24-year-old explained to the Lancashire Telegraph how he joined Bernese School Of Theatre and Dance in Blackburn at the age of 13, but there weren't many other boys among his peers. Still, Carter progressed all the way to London's West End, and on his role there he said: ‘There’s always an amazing response, because it’s dancing that is made to connect with our audience. It’s not just a stereotypical thing people might see, it’s about dance and interaction with women.’

For us though, the most important question is how exactly do you build the body of a Magic Mike dancer? Carter explains the he starts his workouts with bench press (only for the purposes of this video does he use a Smith machine, he's keen to explain). He then moves onto 21s and barbell row, which is one of his personal favourites that he uses at least twice a week.

Want to know more about how Carter builds his Magic Mike muscles? Pop, lock and drop your way back to the video at the top of this page.

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