Should you exercise with a cold? The expert advice
'Should you exercise with a cold' is a question doctors have likely been asked a hundred times over in recent months, when it seems like practically everyone has fallen ill. If you're one of said people, you've probably also been frantically searching Google for advice on how to get rid of a cold fast and the life cycle of a cold. It's akin to your Sunday morning regretful Googling about working out with a hangover.
But, all is not lost. Especially if you're only experiencing light symptoms. (More on this later.)
For all your exercising with a cold questions, including whether exercise could help get rid of a cold, and whether working out with a cold is 'bad', scroll on.
Should you exercise with a cold?
Annoying answer, but it depends. 'A good rule of thumb is that if the cold is purely above the neck and you only have mild symptoms, you're usually good to train. If it's below the neck or your symptoms are severe, it is often better to rest up until you feel better,' says Pure Gym Cambridge PT, Bianca Carew.
'Cardio workouts may be harder when you have a cold, due to your sinuses being blocked, making it harder to breathe. If that's the case, take it slower or choose an easier piece of cardio equipment, such as the cross trainer or the recumbent bicycle, or even shorten the length of your workout,' says Carew. 'Ultimately the best thing to do is to listen to your body; if your cold isn't severe, exercising shouldn't make you feel worse.'
When should you absolutely not exercise with a cold?
We like to keep you safe and part of that is laying down some hard rules when it comes to illness. So far, the answer to 'should you exercise with a cold' is dependent from case to case, but there are some instances in which exercise would be better avoided.
'If your chest is congested, you have a fever, chills, dehydrated, or any other cold ailment from the neck down, do not work out,' says Dr Attiya Khan, GP and author of Ten Steps to Us, (May 2021).
'Chest congestion and any type of exercise do not mix well. Aerobic or anaerobic activity can overwork your heart and can cause your chest cold to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. Lifting weights can naturally increase blood pressure. Combined with overworking your heart, you can really cause damage if not careful when exercising while ill.'
And when can you exercise with a cold?
We know the drill. You've got goals to smash but a cold's laid you up in bed. Besides a slightly fuzzy head, you largely feel fine. Is there ever an occasion you can get after it regardless?
'Yes, when symptoms are mild,' caveats Carew. 'Exercising can help with symptoms such as nasal congestion, for a short time and so can be beneficial if done sensibly.'
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'Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a common cold and no fever,' corroborates Dr Khan. 'Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.' That's not to say you should exercise with a cold, more that if you want to, and you fall into the above category, then it's probably fine.
Does exercise help get rid of a cold?
Can you 'sweat out a cold'? Ah, that old chestnut. Beloved by PE teachers with a penchant for freezing cross-country runs and mums who think you're faking. Basically, no. You absolutely cannot sweat out a cold.
'This is an old myth that continues to do the rounds,' says Babylon GP, Dr Claudia Pastides. 'There is no evidence that making yourself hot and sweaty will help get rid of a cold.'
Got that? Not true, never was. Next!
Is it OK to lift weights with a cold?
Good news: 'If you’re feeling fine and like you can do it, you’re probably fine to go ahead and do so,' says Dr Pastides. 'Remember, however, that if you’re planning to do this in a communal space (such as a gym) where you’re sharing equipment with others, it is best not to spread your cold on to others, so consider how you can do your training elsewhere or postpone it until the cold has passed.'
If you're experiencing light symptoms only – e.g. above the neck with good energy levels – there are still things you should look out for, according to PT and owner of F45 Camden, Palomie Patel.
1.Scale back the intensity
'Allow for more rest time in between sets and as mentioned above, selecting a weight that allows a higher rep range of 15-20 without feeling heavily out of breath,' she says.
2. Avoid movements that cause nausea
Certain positions – bent over, hanging or in any declining position – can exacerbate feeling more bleurgh than others. Swerve sickness by performing upright movements and sipping on water. Bob's your uncle, etc.
3. Keep it simple
'Don’t overload the body with lots of movement patterns into one session,' says Patel. 'You could simply pick one or two exercises to focus on. Make the workout feel more therapeutic than a punishment which, of course, it should never be.'
If I'm going to exercise with a cold anyway, what should I do?
It's understandable: we get that the reasons for moving can sometimes outweigh the reasons not too. If you're going to exercise regardless, take some expert advice with you first, K?
'Pick the least taxing form of exercise you can find,' says Carew. 'This may be slow walking or a gentle cycle on an exercise bike. The worst thing you can do is to try high-intensity weight or cardio training. You'll only place further stress on your already stressed body. Make sure you also don't forget to drink plenty of fluids!'
Fortunately, getting outside for some daily fresh air and exercise is still key when you have a cold.
'Daily movement referred to NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) should still happen and take priority if we’re feeling run down,' advises Patel. 'Examples of this include a brisk walk in the park, particularly during the daytime to keep our vitamin D levels up [avoiding vitamin D deficiency], as well as simply running basic house errands.'
So, slow, steady exercise and having a reusable water bottle on hand seem to be the order of the day when working out with a cold. Good to know.
Should I exercise if I have the flu?
'The flu is usually much more severe than a cold. Caused by the influenza virus, it can really knock you for six and make you feel so exhausted that you cannot even get out of bed,' explains Dr Pastides. 'I wouldn’t recommend exercising with the flu and to be honest I’d be surprised if most people could exercise with the flu. It's best to have a good rest and give your body the chance to recover.'
That's that, then. Catch us inside, in bed, counting down the days 'til it's safe to exercise again.
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