Everything you need to do for a stress-less Christmas

christmas list
Your comprehensive Christmas to-do listJulia_Sudnitskaya - Getty Images

Christmas 2023 may feel like months away but we all know how quickly time can fly in the winter months, especially with Halloween, the October half term and Bonfire Night to also deal with.

So instead of leaving everything to one manic festive rush in December (like buying your tree and decorations and pulling together Christmas Eve boxes), we've put together the perfect guide for everything you need – and exactly when you need to do it – to ensure your festive period runs smoothly and without stress.

If you're wondering what day Christmas falls on in 2023, it's a Monday this year, with Boxing Day on the Tuesday. With a weekend ahead, this could give you time to prepare without taking extra time off.

Whether you've started Christmas crafts and shopping for gifts already or tend to save it until the last minute, we're here to help you be as organised as possible, with a list of timings for everything from Christmas dinner to online shopping and even this year's posting dates.

Bookmark this Christmas to-do list page and get prepping now...


We're a big fan of homemade Christmas crafts and to while you can make your own Christmas cards, gifts and crackers throughout the build up to Christmas, it's a good place to get started early.

Christmas crafting is a great activity to do as the evenings draw in, giving you a break from screens and getting you in the mood for colder weather. How about creating a homemade wreath, homemade Christmas decorations or DIY advent calendar?

Also, if you do want to take extra time off work around the Christmas period, get that time off request in now as your colleagues could be having similar ideas so that gives your workplace plenty of time to plan.

A lot of Christmas craft fairs take place in November, so check if any are taking place near you and book your tickets early. They're great for getting Christmas decoration ideas and picking up unique Christmas gifts.

Mid-late October: Make a plan for Christmas dinner

Yes, it's still more than two months away, but if you figure out what you'll be doing on Christmas Day now, everything else will begin to fall into place. Send a message to your nearest and dearest, and make sure everyone is on the same page so you have an idea of catering numbers.

This also means you'll have an idea of travel plans, so you can factor in driving time or train tickets. Similarly, if you're going to have people staying over, you can have an idea of where they'll stay and any extra bedding you may need.

Christmas dinner
Gary Burchell - Getty Images

Mid-late October: Start to fill in your calendar for December

Usually at this point, you may have already been invited to some events in December. Start making note of your busy days in a diary now, and you'll avoid letting someone down. It's also a good time to get pre-Christmas catch-ups with friends or extended family sorted. Doodle is a free online tool that allows you and your loved one to put in available dates so you can pin down a time everyone can make.

Now is also the perfect time to make your important festive bookings: things like hair and nail appointments and even online deliveries where possible. If you leave this any later you'll struggle to get what you're looking for, and may end up paying more of a premium.

Mid-late October: Start budgeting

Write a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for, and set a budget for each person, plus an overall budget. You don't need to know exactly what you'll be buying them right now, but having a saving goal will make life far easier in December.

Mid November: Start shopping for presents

Beat the crowds by starting your festive shopping in November. You have your list, and hopefully some budget saved, so you should be good to go!

Most retailers at this point will also be offering an extended returns period for Christmas gifts too but be sure to check.

Mid November: Write Christmas cards

The earlier you get started on this, the better as it's definitely one of those jobs we like to put off. If you've made your own Christmas cards, it'll give you time to make sure you've made enough.

Be inspired with our Christmas card message ideas to give your cards a special touch.

Late November: Bake!

Sunday 26th November 2022 is Stir Up Sunday, so if you're a traditionalist who likes to make your own cakes, now's the time. We've got mouthwatering recipes for everything from cherry brandy Christmas cake to made-from-scratch mince pies. You can always bulk-bake and freeze some, too.

Late November: Do online shopping

Black Friday will fall on 24th November this year, and there will be plenty of bargains to be had.

Do some research beforehand into where will be doing the best offer for the gifts you want, and go in with a plan – don't be tempted to splash out on something you don't really need, just because it's cheap!

Make a list of everything you need, and start noting down which stores are doing discounts. It's likely that many will begin before Black Friday.

Early December: Decorate!

Everyone's favourite part of the festive period is here. If you want a real tree, shop a few days beforehand so that you can let the branches drop before you decorate them. If you prefer an artificial one, our guide to the best fake Christmas trees could help you find one that will last for years to come.

Get the decorations out from their hiding place, and decide whether you need to buy any more for this year. When the time comes, get the whole family involved with decorating and make it a truly festive experience. We've put together a handy guide to having the perfect tree here.

Early December: Send overseas cards and gifts

If you have family and friends outside of the UK, if you haven't already, now's the time to put their cards and presents in the mail – you can find all the details of international last posting dates on the Royal Mail website. The last recommended posting dates for the UK are also out now, but it's always a good idea to give plenty of time.

Royal Mail last posting dates for the UK 2023

  • Monday 18 December – 2nd class and 2nd class signed for

  • Tuesday 19 December – 1st class and 1st class signed for

  • Wednesday 20 December – Royal Mail Tracked 48

  • Thursday 21 December – Royal Mail Tracked 24

  • Friday 22 December – Special Delivery guaranteed

Note: Royal Mail Tracked 24 and Royal Mail Tracked 48 are not available to purchase at Post Office branches.

Early December: Send a letter to Santa Claus

Royal Mail will post your letters to Santa for free, but the deadline is generally the first week in December. If you include your full name and address, Father Christmas will write back! His address is: Santa / Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ.

Mid December: Wrap your presents

Don't save it all until Christmas Eve – start now, and you can help pass the time by watching a great festive movie. Need some wrapping inspo? Why not get creative and make your own Christmas wrap and gift tags.

Woman wrapping Christmas presents in a crafty way
ASIFE - Getty Images

Mid December: Make a shopping list, and order food

You won't be able to shop for most of your festive food yet, but you can take a weight off your mind by writing a comprehensive list of everything you'll need.

Things like turkey and party food can be ordered beforehand, but don't leave it until the last minute – get your orders in now to secure exactly what you want.

One week before Christmas: Clean the house

It's the task no-one really wants to do, but a deep-clean now will save a lot of stress come Christmas Eve. Roll your sleeves up and get it done – everything from the bathroom to the oven – and you'll feel much better after.

One week before Christmas: Do a present check

Have you got everything you need? Sure you're not missing something for your second cousin, Sharon? If so, make sure you have things like batteries, so the kids can actually play with their new treasures.

Two days until Christmas: Do your food shopping

Armed with your trusty shopping list and a plan, now's the time to get the food shopping done. Set aside plenty of time (chances are you'll need to queue) and be prepared to opt for a second choice if the store has run out of what you're looking for. Reward yourself with one of those mince pies you made earlier once you're done.

Christmas Eve: Set the table

Get the table ready with these tips, do a last-minute clean and ensure you're feeling as ready as possible for the big day.

Christmas Eve: Prep lunch

Peel the veg, stuffing and pigs in blankets, and get your turkey ready for roasting. If it's your first time hosting Christmas dinner, or you just never manage to get it quite right, we've got a handy guide to the perfect timings for the perfect spread.

Christmas Eve: Lay out the presents

Once the kids have gone to bed (after leaving milk, a mince pie and carrots for Santa and his reindeer, of course) quietly lay out the presents ready for them to wake up to in the morning.

After all that prep, you're finally done! We think that calls for a glass of wine, don't you?

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