Everything you need to know about Baby Botox - an expert explains

Model with beautiful skin
(Launchmetrics Spotlight)

Once upon a time, muscle-relaxant injections such as Botox were associated with frozen foreheads and permanently startled brows. Understandably, the fear of looking expressionless was enough to sway many away from their dipping toes into the world of tweakments.

The truth? These tell-tale signs indicate not simply that a face has been treated with Botox, but that it has been over-treated. An experienced, fastidious practitioner knows how to administer Botox so that the results appear almost inconspicuous, as though you've reaped the benefits of a lovely, restful retreat, rather than having obviously gone under the needle.

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What is Baby Botox?

Woman receiving botox injection
The tweakment can be used to deliver a natural-looking effect (Getty)

Even so, interest in a subtler, more pared back effect has prompted the development of Baby Botox – a cosmetic procedure that involves small, precise doses of botulinum toxin to gently relax facial muscles and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The aim of the tweakment is to produce a natural-looking result, crucially "without significantly altering facial expressions", according to consultant plastic surgeon and director of CLNQ Clinic, Mr Reza Nassab. "This technique is gaining popularity among individuals seeking a refreshed and youthful appearance without the 'frozen' look sometimes associated with traditional Botox."

Baby Botox vs. Botox: What's the difference?

This comes down to dosage and technique. Traditional Botox tends to involve larger doses of botulinum toxin, a potent neurotoxin protein, injected to target "deep wrinkles and pronounced facial lines, often resulting in a dramatic transformation".

Whereas Baby Botox, something of an entry-level injectable, uses smaller amounts of the same substance, administered in more targeted areas. "The goal is to achieve a more natural, less noticeable effect, allowing for facial expressions to remain more intact."

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What are the benefits?

Model with beautiful skin
Baby Botox is blowing up on social media (Launchmetrics Spotlight)
  • More natural effect

If you're interested in minimising the appearance of fine lines, but anxious to swerve the "stiff or overly smooth" look that can sometimes result from traditional Botox, Baby Botox can be really effective at making you look refreshed, without the obvious signs of having had work done.

  • Suitable for novices 

For Botox beginners, this tweakment offers peace of mind, a means of gentle experimentation without the need to commit to a full dose, "making it ideal for those who are cautious about dramatic changes", as Mr Nassab rightly points out.

  • Can be used as a preventative measure

Not only can Baby Botox be used to reduce existing signs of ageing, it has also gained traction among younger patients – fuelled by social media – who are using it to slow the formation of future line and wrinkles.

Who is it most suitable for?

As mentioned, the current darling of the aesthetics world is well-suited to younger individuals who are starting to notice the early signs of ageing, fine lines and mild wrinkles, for instance. But the other benefit is that it allows for subtlety – great for tweakment beginners or people who are keen to retain movement and display expression, without risking the effects looking too drastic.

Which areas of the face can it treat?

Model with beautiful skin
It can be used to target the early signs of ageing (Launchmetrics Spotlight)

Baby Botox can be used to target the regions of the face which tend to show the first signs of ageing, according to plastic surgeon and medical director at Creo Clinic, Dr Omar Tillo. These commonly targeted areas, most affected by "repetitive facial expressions and muscle movements", include the forehead, around the eyes (lateral canthal lines, known colloquially as crow's feet), and between the eyebrows (glabellar lines).

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What does the Baby Botox treatment process look like?

Before any injecting begins, a reputable practitioner will first "discuss the patient's goals and assess their facial anatomy" in a consultation to set a treatment plan. In terms of what to expect from the actual procedure, the practitioner will take a fine needle to inject small measures of Botox into specific regions of the patient's face. "The procedure usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes, with minimal discomfort," Dr Tillo explains. "Most patients usually feel only a slight pinch during the injections and there is little to no downtime, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities immediately after the treatment."

How long does it last?

As with most injectables, the effects vary from person to person, and the staying power depends on factors such an individual's metabolism, the specific areas treated, and the amount of Botox used, among others. But the general rule is that it will last for a shorter amount of time than traditional Botox (around four to six months), on account of the smaller dosage, typically around two to three months. But for a prolonged, more refreshed complexion, the experts recommend regular top-ups. "Maintenance treatments are recommended to sustain the desired effects and continue preventing the formation of deeper lines and wrinkles," Dr Tillo says.