Everything that happens in The Summer I Turned Pretty season 2 finale

After eight episodes full of heartbreak, indecision, and plenty of Taylor Swift tracks, The Summer I Turned Pretty season two final episode has finally dropped on Prime Video. And wow, we were not prepared for that emotional roller coaster of an episode.

The final episode sees Belly decide which of the Fisher brothers she wants to be with whilst the trio are stuck in a motel, Laurel pushes herself to escape her comfort zone by attending a writer's meet up and Taylor and Steven progress in their relationship after some initial conflict.

Now, while we were glued to the screen to see who Belly would choose, we totally understand that through your tears (we definitely shed a few) you may have missed one or two things in the final episode, and so here is everything you need to know about what happened at the end of The Summer I Turned Pretty season two.

summer i turned pretty season 2 ending explained
Amazon Prime

What happens with Belly and Conrad?

Episode eight, appropriately named 'Love Triangle', opens up with Conrad (Christopher Briney) finishing his final and heading over to his car where he finds Jeremiah (Gavin Casalegno) and Belly (Lola Tung) kissing against his car.

Conrad runs away from the situation and Belly chases after him at Jeremiah's request. Conrad accuses Belly of kissing Jeremiah to get his attention, which Belly clarifies is not the situation at all. Conrad tells Belly he doesn't want to be with her anymore anyway and urges her to be with Jeremiah.

Conrad heads back to his dorm room to collect a few more things and eventually agrees to drive back with Jeremiah and Belly where he teases the pair, constantly trying to get in their heads and even asks Belly which of them is the better kisser.

The group is forced to retire to a motel after a flood warning shuts the highway and the trio have to spend the night in one room together with one bed. Whilst Belly goes for a shower, the two brothers talk and Jeremiah asks Conrad to tell Belly his true feelings so that Belly knows the truth, as Jeremiah believes Belly only chose him because she thought Conrad didn't care about her.

That evening whilst Jeremiah is asleep Conrad tells Belly how he feels about her but that she doesn't need to respond then. Belly has a flashback to one of her final moments with Susannah (Rachel Blanchard), in which we see Susannah tell Belly that her son needs Belly and to be patient with him.

The next morning Conrad and Belly talk, and Conrad tells her before Belly gets a chance to tell him she's with Jeremiah, that the pair are cool and they're friends. Belly narrates the scene, telling the audience that she releases Conrad Fisher and evicts him from her heart. Um, is anyone else sobbing?

Conrad then decides to break everyone's hearts more by trying to give Belly the infinity necklace back, which she eventually accepts.

Taylor Swift's 'Exile' plays as Conrad says he is going to get the bus back to Cousins Beach and asks if he'll see the others on 4th July, which they say yes to.

Conrad heads out and appears to be very emotional and is basically crying. Please, can someone check in on Conrad?

What happens with Belly and Jeremiah?

As previously mentioned the episode opens with Conrad seeing Belly and Jeremiah kiss. Jeremiah urges Belly to go to talk to Conrad and after she returns she says she's not sure Conrad is coming with them, but Jeremiah is insistent on waiting for his big brother.

Whilst waiting for Conrad, Belly asks Jeremiah if he knows she didn't kiss him just to get back at Conrad, but before has a chance to answer Conrad shows up and the group embarks on the most awkward car journey.

At the motel, while Conrad is off making some calls (AKA avoiding the situation), Belly and Jeremiah talk. Jeremiah tells Belly Conrad is still in love with her, which she dismisses. The pair then say their kiss earlier was real for both of them. However, Jeremiah expresses his doubts over whether they can be together as he's worried when Conrad does eventually express his feelings for Belly she'll choose Conrad. She says it won't change anything and Jeremiah urges her to have a conversation with Conrad, and if she still feels the same for him afterwards then they can be together.

The next morning Belly heads into the bathroom to get ready for the day, but when she returns to the room Jeremiah is gone and she fears he's abandoned her. She heads out to the parking lot and it turns out he hasn't disappeared in the short space of time she was in the bathroom, but just went to get breakfast. Ok, how long does it take her to brush her teeth?

In the parking lot, Belly tells Jeremiah that he was right and Conrad does still have feelings for her. Jeremiah interrupts her and says it won't be like last summer and he won't ghost her when she chooses Conrad. However, she stops him and kisses him, showing him that he's the one she wants to be with.

What happens with Steven and Taylor?

Ok, so there are other people in this show other than Belly, Jeremiah and Conrad. Let's get back to Taylor (Rain Spencer) and Steven (Sean Kaufman).

Steven shows up at a restaurant where Taylor and her friends are hanging out and brings Taylor some flowers. She's pretty standoffish with him and her friends lay into him, telling Steven Taylor's ex Milo made a diss album about Steven.

Taylor's friends leave and the pair get ice cream where they argue over who Belly should end up with (art truly imitating life). Steven is Team Conrad, whereas Taylor is Team Jeremiah. While Steven enjoys their little argument Taylor gets annoyed and says they don't have to bicker all the time.

The next evening Taylor bails on their plans and ghosts Steven, and so he listens to Milo's truly awful diss album.

However, he's still determined to be with her and the next day drives to Taylor's house before she heads off to volleyball camp. Taylor admits how scared she was to share her feelings for Steven and confess how much she really liked him. Steven reassures her how much he likes her and the pair makeup.

Steven drops Taylor off at volleyball camp and in a slightly odd interaction, they say they're not "that kind of couple" when Jeremiah asks if Steven is going to stay and watch Taylor. Ok, bit of a weird vibe if you ask us.

What happens for Laurel?

Laurel (Jackie Chung) doesn't get a lot of screentime in the final episode, but what we do see of her is a nice storyline.

In the final episode she heads to a writers meet up in Brooklyn at the encouragement of Cleveland (Alfredo Narciso), who isn't actually shown in the episode.

She worries she won't be as good as the other writers but she bonds with the woman leading the session and eventually shares a snippet from her recent memoir.

Who does Belly end up with?

Ok, so despite us thinking there could be a final scene in which Belly changes her mind and goes back to Conrad, season two ends with Belly choosing to be with Jeremiah in the motel parking lot.

After their kiss, Jeremiah drives Belly to volleyball camp and decides to stay and watch her after she is accepted back into the team by her coach.

So yeah, it appears Belly is firmly Team Jeremiah, for now.

How does the finale set up for season 3?

The final episode of season two leads us nicely into season three (which was recently confirmed BTW) with Jeremiah and Belly finally getting together.

In theory, season three will then focus on their relationship. However, as we know, Conrad has now confessed his feelings for Belly, and we're guessing those feelings aren't exactly going to go away anytime soon, which means season three could see our favourite love triangle return.

The third season will also hopefully give us more developments into Taylor and Steven's relationship, and ideally see Laurel spread her wings after grieving the death of her best friend Susannah.

The Summer I Turned Pretty season two is available on Prime Video now

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