The ending of Netflix's Bird Box Barcelona explained

bird box barcelona ending explained
The ending of Bird Box Barcelona explainedNetflix

Five years after the original Bird Box starring Sandra Bullock dropped on Netflix, the new spin-off movie Bird Box Barcelona is finally here.

Bird Box Barcelona is not a direct sequel to the original movie but instead a spin-off set in the same universe, and sees father and daughter Sebastian (Mario Casas) and Anna (Alejandra Howard) in Barcelona, try and stay alive in a world that has been taken over by entities who cause people to commit suicide after seeing them.

Just like the first film, Bird Box Barcelona is a complete dystopian thriller, full of surprising twists and turns, and the occasional scary moment. But how does the film end? And do Sebastian and his daughter survive?

bird box barcelona ending explained

Here's everything you need to know about the ending of Bird Box Barcelona.

What happens in Bird Box Barcelona?

Bird Box Barcelona begins with Sebastian and his daughter Anna playing in an abandoned skating rink, however their fun is soon disrupted by a group of blind survivors who attack the pair and steal their food.

It's revealed Bird Box Barcelona is set in the same world as the previous film, with unknown entities coming down to the Earth who cause anyone to look at them to commit suicide.

Sebastian and Anna run into a group of other survivors, who Sebastian says he can help find a generator as he previously worked as an engineer. The group take him and Anna back to their compound in an abandoned bus station. There, the doctor in the group fixes his wounds and the group give him dinner, whilst a fellow survivor tells the story of how he cut his own eyes out to survive and reveals there are people out in Barcelona who have survived being killed by the entities, as they've chosen to serve them as messengers instead.

bird box barcelona ending explained

As everyone else goes to sleep for the evening on one of the buses, Sebastian stays awake and begins muttering, as if in a trance. He heads up to the drivers' seat and drives the whole group out into the open where they're attacked by the creatures and killed instantly. However, Sebastian remains alive and removes his goggles and looks directly at the creatures.

Turns out Sebastian is actually working for the monsters to bring them more victims. And Anna? Yeah turns out she's actually a figment of Sebastian's imagination and has actually died nine months previously, and the Anna that he sees now is used by the creatures to control Sebastian. Talk about an early plot twist.

Every time Sebastian sees a human's soul depart the world into heaven, he believes he is one step closer to being reunited with his wife and Anna, as Anna reminds him he is the shepherd guiding all the souls.

It's here we then get a flashback to Sebastian's life before the creatures took over. He was an engineer when the world was taken over by these creatures and the day the news breaks of their arrival, he picks Anna up from school and takes her to their local church. There the priest, Father Esteban (Leonardo Sbaraglia) says he believes the creatures are holy spirits and the apocalypse is a godly miracle. Um we're not sure about that one.

Anna and Sebastian head home to escape with Anna's mother, however she is killed in a car accident. We see Anna and Sebastian try to survive the new world with Anna getting sick at one point.

We later learn that they had run into Father Esteban who has now formed a cult around worshiping the creatures and he gets Anna to look at one of them, killing her instantly. Sebastian was going to be killed too but he was instead left to work for them as he was unaffected by the creatures, turns out he's a seer.

bird box barcelona ending explained

In the present timeline Sebastian begins the hunt for more victims and becomes part of a group staying an underground bunker, including Claire (Georgina Campbell) and young Sofia (Naila Schuberth) who Claire has taken responsibility of after Sofia got separated from her mother.

However, the group can't communicate with Sofia because she only speaks German, they allow Sebastian to stay with them as he can translate Sofia's words, thanks to his previous job which had him communicating in German often.

Through Sebastian's translation, Sofia reveals to the group the army is using Barcelona's Montjuïc castle as a shelter from the creatures as it is on a hill and only accessible by gondola. It's where Sofia was planing to go with her mother before they got separated. The group agrees to try and make it out to Montjuïc.

As their journey progresses, Sebastian leads many of them to their deaths by constantly leading them all into danger, as part of his work as a 'seer'. However, Sebastian starts to see Sofia in the position of Anna, and soon begins to push Anna out of his mind and let's Sofia take her place, choosing to save the living child instead.

Throughout their perilous journey we learn more about the creatures. In the first film we found out that they take on the form of "your worst fears, your deepest sadness or your greatest loss."

And one of the member's of Claire's group, Octavio, adds to this theory, saying: "If somehow these creatures are some kind of quantum beings, maybe they don't even have a permanent state. Maybe they're changing, fluctuating all the time, until we hear them or we see them and then they take form based on us. Our fears, our grief, our pain."

Essentially, before looking at them they could be anything, but when you do eventually look at the creatures they change.

bird box barcelona ending explained

How does Bird Box Barcelona end?

Towards the ends of the film after watching much of the group die Sebastian begins to question the creatures, who use each person's deepest trauma, often pretending to be their loved ones in order to get them to commit suicide.

By now Sebastian starts to question if Anna is real and eventually realises she is not real and the vision of her is being used by the creatures to keep him on their side.

He makes it his mission to get Claire and Sofia to safety at Montjuïc despite Claire rightfully not trusting him.

As they approach the gondola they're found by Father Esteban and the creatures. Claire and Sofia hurry up the gondola tower, whilst Sebastian attempts to hold off the creatures. They disguise the priest as Anna, in the hope of stopping Sebastian, but Sebastian can see through them and kills the priest. Unfortunately Sebastian also dies as well, but his sacrifice gives Claire and Sofia enough time to escape to get on a gondola and reach the safety and security of the Montjuïc.

There, they find many other survivors who have been growing food, and being protected by the army and Sofia is reunited with her mother. Claire is investigated to make sure she is not a seer and she says they wouldn't have survived without one, indicating she is thankful for Sebastian's sacrifice. The doctor investigating Claire reveals seers' may have a cure hiding in their blood as their DNA has been altered by trauma or grief and they're hoping to find a vaccine to the monsters.

Bird Box Barcelona ends with the revelation the army has captured a creature and are testing out possible theories by experimenting with rats. A seer is strapped to the bed and begs to see the monster. The scene ends with a group of birds flying desperately around in their cage.

Ok, we're definitely going to need a third movie to see if a cure can be found.

Bird Box Barcelona is available on Netflix now

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