Emmerdale Tom 'rumbled' in Belle abuse twist as fans convinced villager is 'on to him'

Emmerdale are convinced Charity Dingle will save Belle Dingle from Tom King.

During Thursday's (June 27) episode of the ITV soap, viewers saw Tom's abuse take a chilling turn after he was discharged from the hospital where he was treated following a life-threatening accident after he got electrocuted.

The incident occurred at Butler's farm when he flew into a rage after discovering his wife Belle had aborted their baby instead of miscarrying like she told him.

Tom hit a rotating isolator with a metal pipe and was electrocuted due to high voltage shock, leading to him being rushed to hospital almost lifeless.

Tom King
Emmerdale viewers are convinced that Charity Dingle will be the one to expose Tom King's abuse towards his wife Belle -Credit:ITV

After his heart stopped for about a minute, the doctors declared him dead, but he made a miraculous recovery after getting emergency medical attention and swiftly discharged himself from the hospital.

Upon returning home, Tom immediately resumed tormenting Belle reports the Express. Meanwhile, concerned Charity stopped by to check on Belle and is confused to see Tom is already back home, while Belle's packed suitcase - reflecting her intentions to escape - still sits near the front door.

"I was worried for a moment there Tom", Charity states, only for Tom to retort sarcastically: "Not as worried as Belle, she thought she was going to have to arrange my funeral."

Belle Emmerdale
Belle told Tom she had an abortion -Credit:(Image: ITV)

In an uncomfortable scene, Tom laughs off his near-fatal accident before Charity questions him about the destroyed barn. Trying to deflect suspicion and avoid further questioning, Tom eventually convinces Charity to leave with the pretext: "We just want to be alone."

Charity's suspicions are on high alert as she grills the baddie about why he's not still in hospital after his near-death experience, but he swiftly diverts by dropping the bombshell about Belle's miscarriage.

Shocked, Charity tries to console Belle, but it's all too much for the tormented wife who bolts from their chat. This sets off alarm bells for Charity, who clocks the tension between Tom and Belle, especially when he tells her to get out of their house.

Emmerdale fans are on tenterhooks, praying that Charity will twig to Tom's vile behaviour and rescue Belle. On X, previously known as Twitter, one person commented: "#Emmerdale Charity has lived the life Belle is going through so I think she'll notice something is wrong long before anyone else."

Another penned:: "Also Charity in tonight's in 100% onto Tom! ! ! And I am here for it! ! ! #Emmerdale", and a third social media user agreed: "Charity is ON THE MONEY with Tom, i need her to deck him RN #emmerdale."

"Come on Charity suss Tom the vile out and quick", pleaded @Momrocks50. Meanwhile, @mtrainlambily was all anticipation: "CHARITY CONNECTING THE DOTS OMG #Emmerdale."

Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV1 and ITVX at 7.30pm