Emmerdale stars Jeff Hordley and Zoe Henry's incredible family cottage with amazing garden

Emmerdale stars Jeff Hordley and Zoe Henry's incredible family cottage with amazing garden

During lockdown, soap fans had the rare opportunity to have a nosey in the homes of their favourite on-screen characters as Zoom became the new norm, and one of the stars taking to the video platform was Emmerdale star Jeff Hordley.

Jeff, 54, who plays the infamous Cain Dingle in the ITV soap, has been a stalwart part of Emmerdale since his debut in the Yorkshire village in the year 2000.

And, on the show, he acts alongside his lovely wife Zoe Henry, 50, who plays Rhona Goskirk in Emmerdale.

The sweet pair, who own a gorgeous family home in the Yorkshire Dales, may work together but they actually met when they were back in college, before getting married in 2003. Adorable!

Zoe jumped into her role as Rhona in 2001 and 2002, before reprising her role in 2010. And the star doesn’t struggle with having hubby Jeff so close by, both at home and work.

Emmerdale stars Jeff Hordley and Zoe Henry own a gorgeous family home in the Yorkshire Dales
Emmerdale stars Jeff Hordley and Zoe Henry own a gorgeous family home in the Yorkshire Dales -Credit:2018 Dave J Hogan
Viewers got a peek inside Jeff and Zoe's stylish home during his appearance on This Morning
Viewers got a peek inside Jeff and Zoe's stylish home during his appearance on This Morning -Credit:ITV
Jeff and Zoe have been married since 2003
Jeff and Zoe have been married since 2003 -Credit:Zoe Henry/ Instagram

“It’s important to have a laugh in-between takes so upsetting stories don’t get you down too much. Working on the same show as Jeff, who plays Cain Dingle, also helps because if one of us is having a bad day then the other will completely understand," Zoe told The Sun.

And it looks like home life is just as fun as set life for the couple, who while away their hours in a stunning countryside abode.

Taking a trip to this luxury home would see you feast your eyes on a huge garden abuzz with foliage, and a very well-kept allotment.

Zoe has been known to share allotment hauls on her Twitter account, wowing fans with snaps of fabulously fresh fruit and veg.

The garden has a gorgeous allotment
The garden has a gorgeous allotment -Credit:Zoe Henry/Twitter
Zoe and Jeff love to grow their own fresh produce
Zoe and Jeff love to grow their own fresh produce -Credit:Zoe Henry/ Twitter
Zoe often shares snaps of their fresh produce on Twitter
Zoe often shares snaps of their fresh produce on Twitter -Credit:Zoe Henry/ Twitter
The quirky kitchen pops with colour and features a vibrant blue oven
The quirky kitchen pops with colour and features a vibrant blue oven -Credit:Twitter/ Zoe Henry

The star told The Sun’s Fabulous Magazine: "We have an allotment and it’s so therapeutic to have your hands in the earth.

"We’re mindful of what we eat, but watching our diet isn’t about being on TV, it’s more about general well-being, as Jeff has Crohn’s disease."

The pair, evidently keen to grow their own fresh produce, own an adorable pooch who looks like he laps up days exploring the vast garden.

Jeff embraced his green fingered side
Jeff embraced his green fingered side -Credit:Zoe Henry/ Twitter
The couple's pooch looks content as he hangs out in the garden
The couple's pooch looks content as he hangs out in the garden -Credit:Zoe Henry/ Twitter
The gorgeous garden is the gift that keeps on giving
The gorgeous garden is the gift that keeps on giving -Credit:Twitter/ Zoe Henry
Jeff has played Cain Dingle for 18 years
Jeff has played Cain Dingle for 19 years -Credit:ITV

Zoe and Jeff also have two beautiful children named Violet, 14, and Stan, 10, and we’re sure the garden is the perfect play area for the pair.

A peruse of the couple’s home would also have you stumbling across a delightful minimalist room with log burner and plush green sofa.

During a recent Zoom interview on This Morning, fans found themselves impressed by the amazing room, equipped with modern scatter cushions and sliding doors.

How cosy does this quirky bedroom look?
How cosy does this quirky bedroom look? -Credit:Twitter/ Zoe Henry
The pair live with their adorable pooch and two beautiful children named Violet, 14, and Stan, 10
The pair live with their adorable pooch and two beautiful children named Violet, 14, and Stan, 10 -Credit:Twitter/ Zoe Henry
Jeff indulges in some garden DIY
Jeff indulges in some garden DIY -Credit:Twitter/ Zoe Henry

The kitchen in the couple’s home is as vibrant as their kitchen garden, and boasts playful tiles and a blue oven.

And the jazzy blue oven isn’t the only colour pop in the home, with brightly coloured portraits of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I by artist Victoria Crossman sitting proudly on the walls, illuminated by red fairy lights.

The eclectic home oozes vibrancy and reflects the playful nature of both Jeff and Zoe.