Emmerdale gives terrifying update on Belle Dingle and Tom King abuse plot as vile abuser is left for dead

Tom King
-Credit: (Image: ITV/Mark Bruce)

There’s another twist in the tale for Emmerdale’s Tom King as his latest outburst leaves his life hanging in the balance.

Evil Tom accidentally hurts himself while raging over his wife Belle Dingle lying to him about their unborn baby. In upcoming episodes, Belle decides to have a termination - and too scared to be honest to Tom, she tells him she’s had a miscarriage.

In scenes set to air on Monday 24 June, Tom discovers Belle’s deceit. Tom smashes up objects with an iron bar but accidentally electrocutes himself. Meanwhile, Belle has packed a case and gets ready to flee to Scotland.

As Tom lays unconscious, it seems he might not make it. But producer Laura Shaw and actor James Chase (who plays Tom) explains this story is far from over.

Tom King
Tom is left unconscious after he's electrocuted -Credit:ITV/Mark Bruce

Talking about the abuse storyline, producer of Emmerdale, Laura Shaw, gives up update on just how long Tom’s torment on his wife will last.

Laura said: “We said right from the beginning that we wanted to tell this story as truthfully authentically as we can.

"And let's face it, people who are subject to domestic abuse - this isn’t something that's over in a couple of weeks. You can expect this storyline to run until the end of this year."

Belle Dingle
Belle is living in fear of her new husband -Credit:ITV/Mark Bruce

Laura continued: “But we will see people start to look a bit more quizzically and wonder what's going on and question certain things that they're seeing.

"However it’s very difficult as an outsider who's looking in to kind of even broach that and ask questions. So whilst we might see people picking up on it, I'm not sure that we're going to see anybody putting the whole picture together.”

Actor James Chase, who plays Tom, says Belle deserves ‘justice’ for what she’s been going through. But when it comes to Tom’s awful actions being found out, James believes the Kings will stick by him.

Tom King
Tom discovers Belle has been lying to him and lashes out -Credit:ITV/Mark Bruce

“I think Jimmy and Nicola will both be in a form of denial because they are obviously his family and they’ve heard everything from his side - even though most of that has been obviously twisted his way."

James added: “Jimmy would be even more likely to stand by him. I think he'd be in denial to the very end, because Jimmy really values their relationship - and I think Tom does too as well to some extent. Jimmy sees a lot of Carl in Tom and just couldn't possibly believe that he could be just like him.”