Emma Thompson 'identified' with character in What's Love Got to Do with It?

Emma Thompson deeply understood her character in What's Love Got to Do with It?

In the new British romantic comedy, Thompson plays Cath, the mother of Lily James' Zoe, a documentary filmmaker who travels to Pakistan to film her best friend going through the process of an arranged marriage.

Speaking to Cover Media at the film's London premiere recently, Thompson explained that she was drawn to Cath because she is so tactless and says many inappropriate things.

"That's what I liked about her; I just found her hilarious and sort of scatty. She's trying her best and she's got no idea how tactless she is and how she so often says the wrong thing," she shared. "She's not brilliant at being affectionate as a mum, but she does love her daughter very much, she just makes a lot of mistakes and I identify with that."

She jokingly added, "She clearly wasn't hugged enough as a child, I mean, that's clear."

The Oscar-winning actress elaborated further in an interview with the Radio Times, sharing that Cath represents an older generation that says politically incorrect things without even realising it.

"I find myself saying something and my daughter will say, 'Mum, you actually can't say that.' Cath represents all of us as we get older, because we're always saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing," she explained.

What's Love Got to Do With It? is released in U.K. cinemas on Friday.