Elliot Page on how "erosive" and "damaging" gender dysphoria was growing up

elliot page on how
Elliot on "damaging" gender dysphoria growing upBruce Glikas - Getty Images

Elliot Page has given fans an honest and emotional insight into how gender dysphoria impacted him while growing up, particularly during puberty.

Speaking to ABC News, the actor – who came out as trans in 2020 – said: "When my body started to change, and clothes sat on me differently, all of that was the beginning of really sort of disconnecting from myself and feeling a degree of discomfort that was very erosive and damaging."

Page went on to recall how, as a child, he had heard the word 'transgender' in health class – but that this was always accompanied by "the sound of laughter." This feeling, Page explained, was only made worse by bullying that left him feeling as if there was "something wrong" with him.

The Umbrella Academy actor later said that gender dysphoria – which he describes as "being assigned a gender at birth based on your genitalia, and that not being the reality of who you are" – resulted in a "disconnect" with his body. "[It] continues to chip away at you," he added.

elliot page on how
Bruce Glikas - Getty Images

More recently, Page has undergone gender affirming surgery and has proudly taken to social media to show off his new-found confidence. "[My] dysphoria used to be especially rife in the summer," he wrote in the caption of the post, alongside a topless photo. "No layers, just a T-shirt – or layers and oh so sweaty – constantly looking down, readjusting my oversized T."

Elliot went on: "It feels so f'ing good soaking in the sun now, I never thought I could experience this, the joy I feel in my body. I am so grateful for what gender affirming care has allowed me and I look forward to sharing more of my journey soon."

He ended his post with the hashtag "#transjoy".

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