Elizabeth Arden cream sales surge in wake of Prince Harry’s frostbite revelation

Duke of Sussex - Walking With The Wounded/Handout via Reuters
Duke of Sussex - Walking With The Wounded/Handout via Reuters

Sales of Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream have surged after Prince Harry revealed that he used it to treat his “frost-nipped” penis.

Boots said that sales of the £29 ointment increased by over 60 per cent compared to last year, while online searches shot up 180 per cent this week.

Writing in his memoir Spare, the Duke of Sussex said that he used the product after a trip to the North Pole which left him in so much pain that walking was “difficult” and sex “impossible”.

“The last place I wanted to be was Frostnipistan,” he writes. “I’d been trying some home remedies, including one recommended by a friend.

“She’d urged me to apply Elizabeth Arden cream.”

The 38-year-old recalls asking his friend: “My mum used that on her lips. You want me to put that on my todger?

She responds: “It works, Harry. Trust me.”

The Duke went on to write that when he opened a tube of the cream, he felt as if his mother was “right there in the room”.

As the passage went viral on social media, being reposted hundreds of times, Boots was quick to capitalise on the sudden spike in interest.

A post on the pharmacy chain’s Twitter account, published during a stint of cold weather, reminded people to stock up on the cream

Boots beauty trainer Hannah Stern said: “Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream is a must-have multi-tasker.

“It can be used on various parts of the body, making it a versatile addition to your skincare routine”.

She added: “It’s no surprise this product is so iconic, you truly can use it from head to toe.”

Elizabeth Arden did not respond to requests for comment.