Eilish McColgan to race 10K at Great Scottish Run

Photo credit:  Paul Freary/Athletics Weekly - Gallery Stock
Photo credit: Paul Freary/Athletics Weekly - Gallery Stock

Eilish McColgan is to race on home turf at the Great Scottish Run on October 2.

The 31-year-old will be competing in the 10K event after pulling out of her debut London Marathon appearance the same weekend.

McColgan currently holds the British and European 10K record of 30:19 which she set at the Great Manchester Run earlier this year.

She was due to compete in the London Marathon but deferred her entry to April 2023 after experiencing low blood sugar levels during long training runs. The condition is known as rebound hypoglycaemia and causes fueling issues.

McColgan says she is excited to be coming home for her final race of the season.

'After postponing my marathon debut until next year and being involved in last weekend’s Great North Run, I feel I have one more race left in me this season.

'I can think of no better place to do that than to come home and take to the streets of Glasgow over 10K on October 2 at the Great Scottish Run.'

The Scottish athlete has been smashing records during a phenomenal season that saw her set British records over 5K, 10K and half marathon. She won four major championship medals on the track, including the Commonwealth 10,000m gold medal for Scotland. She also set a new course record at the London Big Half earlier this month.

More than 20,000 people are expected to race in this year's Great Scottish Run, which includes a 10K and half marathon. The race has not been held since 2019 due to Covid-19.

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