Education Spotlight TG Phyllis Watson


Tell us about your educational highlight, honor, or accomplishment. What is it and how did you do it?

"Receiving the nomination from my peers for site educator of the year was very humbling and then to be voted as Tony Goetz Site Educator of the year was surprising and flattering."

Why is this accomplishment important to you?

"It is important for teachers to have coworkers who not only support them and help them but also to inspire them. Receiving this honor from my peers makes me feel as though they know that they can count on me for anything and they appreciate the work I do as well as my positive attitude and involvement in everything."

How much did you have to work to accomplish this goal or honor?

"I believe to be an outstanding teacher you must be able to not only educate a child in academics but provide for the whole child. Children who feel safe, welcome, nourished and loved, learn better than those who are not. I believe as a teacher you are also a role model, your life as well as your behavior in school and out should convey the image you wish for your children to aspire to. I simply give 1000% every day to make their learning experience great!"

What plans do you have for the future?

"I have completed my Masters in Educational Leadership and plan to take the principal certification test within the next couple of months. Mrs. McWilliams is an amazing role model and I hope to one day be as great a principal as she is, which will also help to strengthen and improve the teaching profession."

— Cathy Spaulding