This is how to 'eat for abs' – according to two nutritionists

woman doing situps while exercising at home
Two nutritionists share how to eat for absWestend61 - Getty Images

You've heard the phrase 'eating for abs'. But what does it actually entail? Let us guess: you're likely picturing heck loads of salads, a hefty portion of protein with each meal, and shakes left, right, and centre?

The ethos, which was first coined by personal trainers and sports nutritionists, has been doing the rounds for years. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't just cover eating foods that will get you stomach definition, but an approach to nutrition and training in general.

Implying that you cannot get visible abs without following a healthy diet, it reinforces what most personal trainers are often quick to point out: that is, that even the best training plan can yield minimal results with an unfocussed diet. (However, it is worth noting that two people could follow the exact same diet and exercise plan and emerge with totally different results, seeing as all bodies are totally different – which is something to be celebrated, not looked down on).

Equally, that aforementioned diet? Thanks to the scale of the internet, there's a whole load of questionable advice about what trustworthy meal plan to follow if ab definition is your end goal. But, instead of scrolling Instagram and blog posts from unproven 'pros', allow us to introduce you to the qualified experts who can actually help.

Keep reading for advice and an ab-friendly meal plan from nutritionists Jenna Hope and Lauren Windas – and afterwards, if you decide you're not so fussed about ab definition after all? Well, that's 100% the right choice for you, and you shouldn't feel pressured to look a certain way just because others might. Remember, if you're happy with what you see when you look in the mirror, that's all that matters... and all bodies are worthy of love and respect.

portrait of young woman in white shirt doing sits up during fitness warming up
miniseries - Getty Images

Is diet important for ab definition?

First things first: what role does diet play in helping get abs? "While diet certainly plays a part, it’s important to note that some will find it easier to get visible abs than others," explains Hope.

She notes that things like genetics, hormones, body type, daily activity, and underlying health conditions are all ab-defining factors.

Windas agrees, saying that while diet is important, exercise is too. "You need a combination of the two if you want to get a sculpted midsection. Even then, depending on your body type, getting visible abs can be tough; other, less controllable factors come into play, like the above," she adds.

How do you get visible abs?

Honestly? It's actually quite simple: everyone has abdominal muscles, however, the way in which you see them is by achieving a lower body fat percentage (%) and building lean muscle tissue.

"Studies confirm that there's a link between the foods you eat and your body composition. You need a good balance of the three macronutrients - that's protein, carbohydrates and fats," advises Windas.

She shares that, if abs are the final destination, studies have also found it's important to maintain a calorie deficit (that's reducing calories down so that the body burns more energy than it is consuming) and consistently weight train to build your lean muscle mass. Think about it: if you want to show your abdominal muscles off, you first need to lose the layer of fat which currently covers them.

But why weight training, as well? Well, as Windas explains, building lean muscle tissue is important for achieving sculpted abdominals. Plus, she says that "eating a balanced diet that's high in protein is useful for supporting your resistance training."

Which brings us to the actual formula for abs - if there is just one. Most evidence points towards adopting a calorie deficit and manipulating macronutrients based on your exercise regime (aka, eating higher protein for weight training). Research suggests it's the best way to not only promote fat loss, but work towards more ab definition too, she shares.

"In this aspect, yes, abs are built in the kitchen, as through a healthy diet, you can create a calorie deficit for fat loss. However, Windas stresses that you can't forget to pair eating in a calorie deficit with cardio exercise and resistance training for the full whammy." Noted!

Your ab-building meal plan

Windass outlines that it's important to focus on the overall quality of your diet, which means including:

  • Plenty of non-starchy vegetables e.g. broccoli, courgette, spinach and bell pepper

  • Lean sources of protein e.g. chicken and turkey

  • Complex carbohydrates e.g. brown rice and lentils

  • Healthy fats e.g. nuts, avocado and olive oil

  • Fruits e.g. apples, bananas and berries

She also advises - for a woman actively looking to lose weight in order to achieve more prominent muscle-definition - approximately 1800 calories a day. While for a man, it's 2200 calories daily.

"This is if you're looking to strip fat and reveal your abs, eating three main meals with the option of one or two snacks a day," she shares. But do remember here: everybody’s energy requirements are unique and therefore these calorie suggestions are simply a guideline.

A further solid piece of advice: you really don't need to lose weight, or gain ab definition, or embark on a new fitness plan to be happy. Rather, workout in ways that you love and eat food that equally nourishes you and fills you with joy. There's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Now, let's look at some of the best meal plans that not only help build abs but also taste great:


  • Green leafy shakshuka with three eggs, cavolo nero, spring greens, shallots, green peas, green pepper and courgette OR

  • Quark with a handful of fresh blueberries and spoon of almond butter.


  • Fillet of chicken breast served with chickpea, avocado and mint feta salad OR

  • Pan-fried sea bass with Mediterranean lentil salad.

Ngl, both of these sound lushhh.


  • Salmon fillet with cavolo nero on a bed of grilled courgette and aubergines, sprinkled with pumpkin and sunflower seeds OR

  • Chicken ramen with loads of veg OR

  • Beef steak served with steamed broccoli, spring greens and spinach, and baby new potatoes.

Again, simply, mmmmm.


  • Peanut butter on rice crackers or oat cakes

  • Boiled eggs

  • Protein smoothie with milk or plant-based milk

  • Trail mix

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Cottage cheese on rye bread

two women exercising together outdoors wearing long sleeved sports doing sit ups
kali9 - Getty Images

7 top tips for eating for abs

Both nutritionists maintain that the key takeaway from the above is that, sometimes, focusing on consuming a nutrient-dense diet may be more achievable than obsessing over visible abs. "In some cases, visible abs require an incredibly low body fat percentage, which may contribute to impairing hormonal function," explains Hope. In other words, it's not good for you.

Still keen to give it a go? Bear these in mind at all times.

Focus on your protein

Ensuring adequate protein consumption is super important because it helps to keep you fuller for longer, as well as helping to stabilise blood sugar levels. Plus, preventing energy crashes and reducing cravings for high sugar foods, shares Hope.

Windas agrees, adding that protein contains the essential amino acids which are building blocks for muscle growth. "Whenever you weight train, you cause microtears in your muscles. It's the amino acids that help to repair those tears and build new muscle tissue. They surround and fill the tear, making the muscle bigger and stronger," she explains.

They advise aiming for more protein when you are exercising lots - that's 1.2g-to 1.6g per kg of body weight - and less if you're sedentary - 0.8g per kg of body weight.


Hope advises consuming at least two litres of water per day. "Staying hydrated can help to prevent misinterpreting thirst for hunger, and plays a role in maintaining energy and brain function throughout the day."

Eat plenty of fibre

Loading up on vegetables and fibre-rich foods can help to keep you fuller for longer. "Plus, it ensures that energy is more sustained throughout the day," Hope expands.

Be mindful of portion sizes

Weight loss occurs when you’re consuming less energy than you require. Large portion sizes can contribute to the overconsumption of energy.

woman eating an apple
Nick Dolding - Getty Images

Non-starchy vegetables:

Aim for half of your plate (i.e. two fistful portions) and build your macronutrients around that.


Your protein serving should be around the size of your hand.


Your carb portion should be one fistful of complex carbs.

Healthy fats

Your healthy fat portion should be about a tablespoon of healthy unsaturated fats, e.g. a sprinkling of nuts and seeds.

"By building your meals in this way, you are likely to be achieving a calorie deficit and supporting the growth of new muscle tissue, in combination with your exercise routine. This, in turn, will help your body to become leaner and reveal abs," explains Windas.

Limit sauces

Top tip: swerve too much ketchup. Agreed, sauces can sometimes take the meal up a notch, but it's crucial to be aware of the amount you’re adding, warns Hope. "There's a middle ground - sauces often contain additional energy and sugars which can contribute to overconsumption," she shares.

Avoid skipping meals

Meal skipping has been shown to increase total energy intake. "Rather than skipping your meal and eating more at the next feed, opt for a protein-rich dish or snack to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and your energy sustained," Hope shares.

Moderate fats

Fats are a fundamental and essential component of any diet. "I’m definitely not advocating a low-fat diet, but when you're trying to lose weight, ensure you’re not overconsuming them. The recommendations are to consume around 30 to 35% of your dietary intake from healthy fats," she explains.

One final thought - life isn't all about weight loss. Highly restrictive diets and overexercising can impact your relationship with diet and exercise and impair long-term results. Basically, eating that croissant isn't a crime against abs - life is about moderation - and if a shell-shaped pastry is going to make you happy in the moment, we say eat the damn thing. What's most important is building a body for life, eating nourishing foods you love and doing workouts you enjoy, because that's what will likely end in better results.

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