Duke of Northumberland in row over ‘prison fence’ for Alnwick Castle

King Charles on a visit to The Alnwick Garden, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland - Northumberland Gazette / SWNS
King Charles on a visit to The Alnwick Garden, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland - Northumberland Gazette / SWNS

One of Britain’s richest aristocrats is at loggerheads with residents over a proposed “prison fence” to protect his castle from fly-tippers and antisocial behaviour.

The Duke of Northumberland is fed up with finding rubbish and waste dumped in the sprawling grounds of his home, Alnwick Castle.

The 11th century castle featured in two Harry Potter films, while the plush state rooms of the sprawling home were featured in Downton Abbey.

The Duke, Ralph Percy, 66, lives in the castle with his wife, Jane, the Duchess of Northumberland, 64.

The couple, who are worth an estimated £315 million, expressed concerns after an increase in fly-tipping and “anti-social behaviour” around the castle.

They have been granted planning permission to replace a stone perimeter wall and barbed wire with a 6 ft high green “mesh fence”.

Northumberland Estates, which handles the Duke’s business interests and property portfolio, insist the structure will “enhance” the castle.

‘This will look like a theme park’

Some Alnwick residents have blasted the plans, fearing the landmark will be spoiled.

Lodging an objection with Northumberland County Council, resident George Skipper said: “At best, this will look like a theme park; at worst, a young offenders’ institution.”

Andrew Duff, who lives yards from the castle, said: “The mesh fencing has an industrial appearance more suited to a business park or school site.”

He added that “it creates an unfriendly and negative impression for such an important location”.

Local business owner Samantha Hobrough said: “The proposed wire fencing is inappropriate within the heritage context of the castle and environs.”

Resident Maria Youngs, 40, said: “I respect the fact that the duke needs to protect his home from fly-tippers and ticket dodgers.

“Surely, there is a better design than this ugly fencing, which looks more like the kind you see surrounding prisons to keep the inmates from escaping.”

‘Getting ready to film HMP Hogwarts’

Writing on a local Facebook page, one user said: “Looks like they’re getting ready to film the next Harry Potter movie, HMP Hogwarts.”

Another user wrote: “Fly-tippers and freeloaders Expelliarmus!”

Josh Daniels, of Northumberland Estates, said the barbed wire fencing aimed to deter trespassers.

Geographical features at the Greenwell Road car park, where visitors leave their vehicles, meant people could dump rubbish undetected, he added.

In the report, Daniels said: “We believe the landscape will be enhanced through the replacement and repositioning of the existing fencing to prevent fly-tipping and antisocial behaviour at Alnwick Castle.”

Planning officers last week approved the plans and the fencing is expected to be put up before the busy summer season.

A spokesperson for Alnwick Castle said: “We applied and have been granted permission for a new fence covering a small area at the southern boundary of the castle, next to the Greenwell Road car park. This is designed to prevent regular occurrences of individuals accessing the area to illegally fly-tip waste. Although there were three objections, we are pleased that the council recognised that it was an appropriate application.”