Don't worry—your horoscope for the New Moon in Leo has great news

new moon in leo 2024 horoscopes
Your horoscope for the New Moon in LeoHearst Owned

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. If you have a lack in your life, then this is the time the collective will work to fill it—whether through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don't be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree in a zodiac sign, forming a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I'm all about precision because cutting through diamonds is possible. New Moons are a time for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each new Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself! If you find your horoscope helpful or have any questions, please tag me on social media @monishaholmes.

Patience, perseverance, and support from your loved ones will get you through summer 2024. Despite all the commotion and chaos brewing in the atmosphere, there are positive occurrences worth being optimistic about. As we move through Leo season, the feeling of needing affirmation and reassurance is beginning to reach an all-time high. Society wants us to judge our value based on an always-increasing income and others' public praise. If you're missing that, you may feel like there's an issue with your work ethic—even if in reality, you’re doing just fine.

Despite Leo being represented by the powerful and majestic lion, this energy carries the tenderness of a house cat with unmet needs. Right now, the energy can feel like paranoia, anger, disrespect, sadness, or ennui. The stars align in a pattern that suggests a need to keep faith and trust the process. If you have Leo placements, you likely have plenty of practice fluffing up your mane and trusting your ability to create your own reality. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic during this New Moon in Leo, so be sure to keep your hope alive!

On August 4, 2024, at 11:13 A.M, the Moon will proudly join the Sun in Leo, forming the annual New Moon in Leo. As a fixed zodiac sign, Leo is associated with the will to maintain and protect its own. Think of the Disney movie The Lion King, when Mufasa tells his son Simba, 'All that the light touches is ours.' Like the lions in the movie, Leo is king of its jungle, willing to do all necessary to protect its pride.

No matter your zodiac sign, this New Moon calls for keeping calm and respecting that the universe and all within it. With New Moon tightly conjunct with Pars Fortuna, a mathematical point of luck, and making pleasant connections with Mars and Jupiter, your social status and career will experience meaningful developments. Just avoid holding your breath or trying to predict the future.

Horoscopes for the New Moon in Leo

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign


Have fun, Aries. Really let yourself cut loose and be a goofball. Find someone or a group of people with who you can allow your inner child to run free. You may be unaware of how hard you are on yourself, and as a result, you may be prematurely aging yourself in the worst way! We all deserve a little silliness every now and again, so relax and lose yourself in what’s fun.


Under this New Moon, bring a new piece of furniture or some art into your home: a statement piece that absolutely sets you apart as a royal within your Taurean domain. After careful thought and reviewing your Pinterest pins, proceed with complete confidence on what it is you want, whether or not it’s a dupe or an original. Having items in your home that pleasurably stimulate your senses is an understated luxury.


Do you feel like you’re choking on your words or too dehydrated to get your statements out with confidence? Well, drink up, Gemini babes, because you deserve to be heard. Many of you will benefit from an hour of silence and complete focus as you journal. Your willingness to centre yourself and become clear on your thoughts will further fuel your self-confidence.


Sometimes hotties have to wish upon a star, you know? Cancer, you have to budget and know what you can afford. You can still occasionally spoil yourself as you build your nest egg to provide an extra cushion of safety. You have to know how much energy you’re willing to exert. Be sure to avoid spending money you don’t have. On that note, your finances are looking pretty sweet during the New Moon in Leo!

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All eyes are on you, and what a great time for spectators to catch glances of your majesty. The New Moon in your sign is giving you the ability to bring some meaningful dreams to life. If you’re planning to manifest during this New Moon, focus on identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and remarkable superpowers. What are you uniquely skilled at doing in ways those around you are not? It is through your star power that you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams.


Down the rabbit hole you go, Virgo. This New Moon starts you on a two-month journey through Wonderland. Instead of lashing out or dashing past unusual sights and experiences, take time to wonder about how you grew to be shocked by what you’re seeing. Your ability to inquire within will help you develop a deeper appreciation of yourself.


Your ability to see the world from a multitude of perspectives is coming in clutch during the New Moon in Leo. Normally, people might not dedicate as much time as you do to juggling differing perspectives–whether or not you do it for the greater good is up to you! The New Moon is allowing you the opportunity to be a powerful mediator within your community. Libra, are you going to be a part of helping us all get along and grow up?


Every year around this time you’re blessed with either a glow up or a valuable lesson, Scorpio. For this swirl around the Sun, you’re being gifted with the advancements and recognition you’re been working for in your career. This is a tremendous time for levelling up. Treat this New Moon as a launch pad, but you must do the work consistently. Good luck, babes!


Sagittarius, school’s back in session and it’s time for you to hit the books. Some of you are entering new courses, while others are enrolling in a workshop. While I shouldn’t have to tell a Sagittarius to do whatever the f*ck they want, let’s preface this horoscope with a PSA: DO WHAT THE F*CK YOU WANT! Kindly, your friendly middle sister who just wants you to follow your dreams (not someone else’s, unless y’all are collabing or whateva).


You have the potential to go deeper, and if the opportunity arises, I say go for it. The planets and luminaries seem to be allowing you to take what you’ve learned and let it help you experience deep and meaningful connections. Focus less on the synergy of your relationships and unwind, Capricorn. When you let your guard down and pause, you might find it’s easier to move forward.

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world of woo womens health

Hearst Owned


Wow, how's the wedding planning coming? Okay, maybe you're not getting married–but you might as well start considering what you want from your next relationship (or the next stage of your current one), Aquarians. With the New Moon in Leo joined by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, in your house of relationships, now is a lovely time for romance. Lovers, close friends, and strategic partnerships are available to you if you’re willing to play nice.


With each step, blink, tilt of your head, and flex, you are using muscles that condition your reflexes, patterns, and physical movements, Pisces. During the New Moon in Leo, you are being granted the opportunity to sit in the observer’s seat. Getting a new perspective on your health and lifestyle is as simple as stepping outside of your comfort zone and into a new environment. Have you taken a spin class? How about puppy yoga? You could find the best results come from developing a sunrise stretching routine. Whatever it is, try something new.

What do your planets say about you?

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