Donald Trump bombarded Princess Diana with flowers
Donald Trump is set to meet the Duke of Sussex during his state visit next week, but things could potentially be a little awkward between the pair of them. The former businessman reportedly tried to pursue Harry's mother Princess Diana, following her divorce from Prince Charles in 1996. "Selina Scott says that Donald Trump absolutely bombarded Princess Diana with flowers and invitations to meet, so there’s a reason for Harry to think he’s a super-creep and not really want to meet him," political journalist Daisy McAndrew tells Yahoo UK's 'The Royal Box.' Broadcaster Selina Scott was one of Diana's confidants and claimed the royal said of Mr Trump, “he gives me the creeps.” McAndrew also says that Meghan Markle tried to avoid Mr Trump, when she was working on Deal or No Deal as a briefcase girl. She says: "Donald Trump came on to publicise The Apprentice. One of her fellow briefcase girls said he was ‘super creepy’ and started inviting all the briefcase girls out and that Meghan thought he was a creep and decided not to go."