‘Doctors cut off a 5p-sized piece from my nose - I thought skin cancer was just a spot'

Woman applying suncream
-Credit: (Image: GETTY)

Summer is upon us, and it’s more important than ever to practise sun safety. Whether you’re staying at home or heading off to a sun-soaked destination for your holidays, it’s crucial to protect your skin – especially when the sun is strong.

Each year, there are about 17,000 new cases of the most serious melanoma skin cancer diagnosed in the UK, making it the fifth most common cancer. Research suggests that almost nine in 10 of these cases could have been prevented if people stayed safe in the sun and also avoided sunbeds.

“It’s important to protect your skin from sun damage throughout the year, no matter the weather. Sun exposure, even on a cloudy day, can cause sunburn, skin ageing, eye damage and skin cancer,” explains Rachel Rawson, lead cancer nurse specialist at Perci Health (percihealth.com).

Woman applying suncream
With summer now upon us, it's important to stay safe in the sun -Credit:GETTY

With rates of skin cancer in the UK “steadily rising”, according to Rachel, there are a number of things that can increase a person’s chances of getting the disease, such as their skin type, family history and past experience of getting sunburn.

“Your likelihood of getting skin cancer increases if you’ve got pale skin, fair hair and burn easily,” says Dr Timothy Woodman, medical director of policy and cancer services at Bupa UK.

“You’re at extra risk if you have frequent exposure to the sun – for example if you spend a lot of time sunbathing. Age is another factor that increases your chances of developing skin cancer. As your skin cells age, they are more likely to have been damaged by the sun.

“The risk of skin cancer is also greater if you have a weakened immune system, or if you take medicines that suppress your immune system.” With that in mind, here’s how we should be protecting our skin this summer…

Woman applying suncream
There are a number of things we can do to protect our skin while in the sun -Credit:GETTY

Cloud cover

We all know the importance of wearing suncream, but it shouldn’t just be reserved for the brightest days. “Wear sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30+ at all times, even when it’s cloudy or overcast,” says Rachel. “Your skin can take up to half an hour to absorb sunscreen so plan ahead and apply it 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply it regularly, at least every two hours, and generously, particularly after swimming, sweating or drying yourself.”

Rays awareness

In the UK, the sun’s UV rays can be strong enough to damage your skin from mid-March until mid-October, even when the days aren’t especially warm. “Particularly during the summer months a lot of UV rays can come through cloud, even if it’s not sunny,” says Dr Emma Wedgeworth, a consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation representative. “That can cause the sorts of ageing changes that we tend to see over3 when we’re thinking about sun protection from April to October, that’s where we’re wanting to avoid our risk of skin cancers.”

App help

If, like us, checking a weather app has become part of your daily routine, you should pay attention to far more than the temperature and likelihood that it will rain. Besides checking those things, the UV index will inform you about the sun’s ultraviolet rays. If it’s above three (moderate), you should consider protecting yourself. “Check before heading outside so you can bring clothes, cream and water to help keep you protected and hydrated,” says Dr Woodman.

Woman applying cream to her face
Checking the UV levels before you leave the house can help inform your decisions -Credit:GETTY

The big cover up

As well as layering on the suncream, there are other precautions we can take when stepping out. “Wear protective clothing such as ultraviolet-protective sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat,” says Dr Woodman. Rachel adds, “Be extra careful if you are taking medicine or having treatment that may make you more sensitive to the sun, such as cancer treatments.” Certain antibiotics are risky, too.

Check it out

We know our own bodies better than anyone else. “Melanomas can sometimes develop through changing moles, but only about 30% of melanomas actually arise from pre-existing moles,” says Dr Wedgeworth. “Non-melanoma skin cancers will often present as either a pale little nodule on our skin or a wart-like lesion or scaly patch. Anything that pops up on your skin, that’s not going away and looks unusual should prompt you to seek medical attention.”

‘They cut out a piece of my nose the size of a 5p’

Annie Wilson, 38, from Liverpool, was diagnosed with BCC after discovering a mark on her nose

Woman smiling
Annie noticed what she thought was a spot on her nose -Credit:Supplied

“Last year, I saw a mark on my nose which I thought was a spot, so I popped it. However, it grew back and when I popped it again it bled a lot. I realised it had grown back in the same place with the same formation and it had a piece of white skin around it – to me a spot shouldn’t do that. I then started to feel some pain and itchiness, which was a red flag, so I had it looked at.

Soon after the new year I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. As a nurse, I had a feeling it was cancer before I was told, but when I heard the word “cancer” my stomach sank. Hearing those words, you just think the worst.

I went for my first surgery in February and they cut a piece out of my nose the size of a 5p coin. The piece was sent to histology, which found that the cancer had spread towards the nostril, so I had a second surgery six weeks later. Thankfully, I’ve now had the all-clear.

Prior to my diagnosis, I was a sun worshipper, but I didn’t take any precautions. I barely wore any sun cream, I barely wore a hat, I used to use sunbeds. I grew up in the 90s, so I didn’t realise the dangers.

Now I wear factor 50 every day, whether it’s cloudy or raining. I still go outside, but when I take the dog out I wear a hat and I try not to go outside when the sun is at its peak. My whole attitude has changed.”

O2 has partnered with The British Skin Foundation and Green People to create a limited edition smartphone accessory with a 10ml sunscreen tube to help people stay protected throughout the day