Doctors believe rubbing an explosive gel onto your penis could be the new viagra
Forget viagra, doctors have uncovered a new solution for erectile dysfunction.
But it’s not for the faint-hearted as it involves male sufferers rubbing anti-impotence gel made with explosives directly onto their penises.
Nitroglycerine is an oily, colourless liquid that is known to spontaneously explode in large quantities. Yikes.
But doctors have found that using a small quantity of nitro, so there’s no danger of explosive activity (well only in a good way wink, wink), can help improve the sex lives of male sufferers of impotence.
A UK trial of the new gel at University College Hospital found that it worked 12 times faster than Viagra, by releasing nitric oxide gas as it is rubbed in, which widens blood vessels and increase blood flow.
Of the 220 participants 44% of men managed to achieve an erection after five minutes, while 70% became aroused within 10 minutes.
Commenting on the findings, David Ralph, a consultant urologist, told The Sun: “Potential advantages include potential for a fast action and ease of use. Their use could be incorporated into sexual foreplay, increasing the level of intimacy between couples.”
Although participants did report some mild side effects, including headaches, it is believed altering the ingredients slightly might help alleviate the problem.
Though scientists are planning further studies, they are hoping the gel could be available to purchase as early as next year, costing as little as £1.
According to the NHS erectile dysfunction is very common, particularly in men over 40. “It’s usually nothing to worry about, but you should see a GP if it keeps happening,” the site states.
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