This is how to have a difficult conversation with your boss

consult a coach
How to have a difficult conversation at workShutterstock

Welcome to Consult a Coach, our regular careers clinic for Bazaar readers. Send us your work dilemma, and we’ll ask our career agony aunt – the industry professional, executive coach and motivational speaker Jo Glynn-Smith – to answer it.

Here, Jo advises a reader who is finding her boss' managerial style hard to handle.

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Dear Jo,

My boss is an amazing entrepreneur, who is really driven and seems to have endless energy. I love my job because it's interesting and varied, but the one thing I find really difficult is how unpredictable my boss is all the time! I am someone who loves process and a clear strategy, yet most of what we do is trial and error, which makes planning and goal-setting for my team really difficult – let alone very stressful. I don’t know how to communicate this to my boss, but I am worried we will start losing people if I don’t find a way. Can you help?

Many thanks,


Jo says...

Dear Karina,

Thanks so much for writing in with this. I coach a lot of founders and entrepreneurs, as well as people who work for them, and so I have plenty of experience in this area. It’s completely understandable that you enjoy working for someone like your boss, but equally, it makes complete sense that you are struggling with the unpredictable and adaptive nature of an entrepreneurial approach.

How you manage this situation very much depends on the relationship you have with your boss, and how open she is to feedback. But I suspect, since you are asking for advice, that you have not yet found the right opportunity to have this difficult conversation with her – so I’ll use that assumption to form the basis of my response.

Take a different perspective

Before we talk about an approach, let’s take a look at the business from your boss’ perspective; this is a really helpful exercise as it allows us to see things from a different angle. When you look at the business through her lens, it will enable you to adapt your approach for a more optimal outcome.

Your boss will have most likely have started her business by herself – or at best, with limited help. That process will have taken a massive amount of motivation, self-belief, creativity, time and resilience. You are dealing with someone who is used to doing things by herself, and not necessarily someone who understands the impact her decisions have on others; when you’re flying solo, decision impact is limited to one!

Many entrepreneurs find it very difficult to accept the ripple effect their pivoting and adapting has, because they are looking at the situation with their vision for success in mind, through the same energetic lens they had when they started out. This can be both inspiring and stressful for their teams, who often suffer in silence because they are brought into that vision, and it feels privileged and exciting. Of course, as a leader in the business, you have a responsibility to your team and a duty to communicate your concerns. So how do you make the approach?

Re-frame the conversation

One consistent quality of every entrepreneur is their appetite to solve problems, so I am going to suggest that you approach her with this in mind. You need to think like she does. Obviously, the goal for you is to reduce stress and mitigate employee loss. However, if you present the issue to her with a more positive, problem-solving perspective, it then simply becomes a meeting to review better ways of working that will support the growth of the business and its future success. Going into your meeting with this agenda will immediately put her at ease and allow you to bring up real examples that you can solve together. Make sure you prepare well, have some ideas ready to share and focus on the desired outcome.

Finally, don’t worry about finding the right time to do this. There’s never a right time with a busy entrepreneur, so take the initiative and let her know you’ve got some great ideas to discuss as soon as possible. You’ve got this!

Good luck,

jo glynn smith
Courtesy of Jo Glynn-Smith

Jo Glynn-Smith is a transformation coach, speaker and personal-brand expert from London who works with leaders, entrepreneurs and businesses to help maximise their team or individual potential. Before becoming a coach, she spent most of her career in the fashion industry working at the highest level with some of the biggest global brands. You can follow Jo for more coaching tips and advice on Instagram (@jojoglynnsmith) or visit her website,

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