I did bicycle crunches every day for 2 weeks – and the results were so surprising

bicycle crunches every day
I did bicycle crunches every day for 2 weeks

Before my challenge to do bicycle crunches every day for two weeks, I was already well versed in the importance of a strong core. As WH’s Fitness Editor and a part-time yoga teacher I really do try to practice what I preach (that is, mighty ab muscles will decrease the risk of injury and improve power and stability): I devote at least one day a week to core work, I switch up exercises in a bid to throw my muscles off and shock ‘em into submission, and I’ve even had my form analysed by the pros at elite gym, Third Space London.

However, I’d never actually dissected individual exercises and how I execute them. To me, my go-to moves – including the classic crunch, the painstaking plank (who knew a minute could go so slowly?) and, case in point, bicycle crunches – seemed easy enough.

I decided now was the time to strip my stomach strength apart and see if it could really carry me through injury-free.

Over two weeks, I completed five sets of one-minute bicycle crunches (I wanted a dynamic exercise that would get a sweat on) every day, keeping a note of everything I learned in the process. Turns out, there’s a lot more to them than pedalling like your life depends on it.

What are bicycle crunches?

Bicycle crunches are an ab exercise that involves twisting one elbow to the opposite knee as you extend the opposite leg, using your core to stabilise you, then pedalling from side to side.

Katie Anderson, head of training at FLY LDN tells me, ‘They are a multi-functional abdominal workout that targets the upper and lower rectus abdominus and the obliques, as well as working the hip flexors and adductors.’ In other words, they call upon every layer of ab muscle.

How to do bicycle crunches

  1. Lie on your back with feet flat on the ground, knees bent and interlace your fingers behind the head or place fingertips to the temples. Inhale and as you exhale peel the shoulder blades off the ground and lift the knees to reverse tabletop. This is your starting position.

  2. From here, twist to draw your right elbow over to the left knee, extending the right leg out as you go. Inhale and as you exhale reverse the movement and repeat on the other side.

How do they work?

‘The pedalling of the legs, if off the ground, can work into your transverse abdominis (your deep core) which is a harder muscle to reach,’ Anderson explains. She adds that the option to speed up will help you work on your endurance and increase your heart rate (hello, endorphin fix), while going slow and steady will improve your strength. Essentially, it’s a 2-in-1 move that can be adapted depending on your goal.

5 things I learned doing bicycle crunches every day

So, here's the breakdown of everything I learned. Spoiler, it was harder than I thought it was going to be.

1. They double up as cardio

Naturally, days one – five panned out with me performing the move the only way I knew how: fast. I went all out, chasing the post-workout high I knew was just around the corner and would leave me feeling content to relax on the sofa for the rest of the night. It worked. My heart rate was significantly higher on my fitness watch when I sped up, but would soon come down as I slowed.

Anderson says this kind of cardiovascular work stems from the full-body action, and recommended timed intervals of 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 10 rounds, to see the effects sooner. Needless to say, I tried it and hit a heart rate high from doing this move alone. In fact, I averaged out at the same BPM (beats per minute) I typically make during a steady sesh on the exercise bike, although I’m not sure it’d be particularly enjoyable/safe to sustain bicycle crunches on a floor for the same length of a cycle.

2. Going faster won’t always make it harder

I’m pretty tired after five days of speed work, so I try a different, equally difficult, approach from Anderson. ‘Holding for four seconds at each side is a burner,’ she tells me. ‘Because the muscles are having to stabilise you rather than passively move through.’ She’s not wrong. I find that giving myself extra time allows me to activate parts of my muscles I’d never felt through this exercise before, and doing this for 60-second sets leaves me shaking like a leaf.

What’s more, I typically punt for dynamic movement for its meditative qualities (I physically can’t worry about daily life when I'm trying to do a fast exercise that also requires coordination), but properly focusing on my muscle control when I slowed down seemed to have the same effect.

The full-body action (the pedalling part with various twists and turns) – albeit slowly – is still a must, though. I tried applying the same slow technique to classic crunches and certainly did not feel the same helpful mental distraction.

3. They are genuinely, scientifically harder than regular crunches

I report back to Katie on my self-imposed comparison between classic and bicycle crunches for their calming effects when performed slowly, and she explains that my results are corroborated by science.

‘Two extra things are happening in bicycle crunches: you’ve got the twist in the thoracic which works your obliques, and then the alternating leg extension which works into the lower abdominals.’ So not only are there more things to mentally think about, more muscles are being physically put to work, too.

bicycle crunches
bicycle crunches

4. They taught me what it really feels like to engage my core

How many times have you been told to ‘imprint your spine'? Or to ‘pull your belly button in’? Thought as much. They’re all foreign feelings that I (along with the rest of the world, I’m sure) have never been quite sure if I’ve been doing correctly. Breaking news: I was not.

One week in and the dreaded DOMs had firmly set up base on my belly. This time, however, it wasn’t just the upper bit between my ribs that hurt, but the bottom part as well. I’d put this down to adopting a slower method and, as suggested by Katie, holding at either side. I can genuinely feel my lower abs quaking under the weight of my legs and upper back while they’re raised and holding their position, whereas I’d usually get carried away with upping my tempo and fall out of form.

Now, I finally know how it feels to keep everything intact, and the soreness I’m left with proves it works.

5. Teamed with music, the dynamic movement makes a great distraction

I make my biggest revelation as I near the 14-day finishing line: you know how time goes agonisingly slowly during a one-minute plank, or whilst waiting for the microwave to ping? It sounds obvious but it's simply because you’re not doing anything. There’s nothing to do but stare blankly at the clock.

Not once did I find myself checking my fitness tracker stopwatch during this experiment because my brain was too busy coordinating the movement of my legs and arms. Even come the 10-day mark when my abs were aching more than ever, each 60-second set was over as soon as it began because there are so many things to think about. Add music into the mix and the move goes even quicker. Just make sure you match your go-to workout songs to the speed you’ll be going at... my Ibiza club classics didn’t quite work with slow-burner bicycles.

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