Dermatologist shares ideal time of the day when you should have shower

Dermatologist reveals best time of day to shower
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

One of the biggest discussions in the hygiene world is whether it's better to have a shower in the morning or evening.

While there's no definite right or wrong answer to the question, most people will have a preference to what time of day they prefer to bathe.

A dermatologist named Dr Drey decided to take to TikTok to share her professional opinion on the matter, and what she believes to be the best time to shower in terms of how it makes your skin react.

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Her video started by stitching another creator's video, where she said not showering in the evenings is 'nasty'. Dr Drey then added: "I'm not gonna go as far as to call you nasty, but there are definite perks for your skin, allergy symptoms to shower at night."

She went on to urge her viewers to at least consider making the switch to shower in the evenings, especially if you suffer from seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, as the pollen usually settles in your skin or in your hair during the day

"And that can contribute to allergy flair ups," she said, before adding: "On of the perks for bathing that people don't appreciate is that it's essentially a form of light exfoliation. It kicks off all of these clumps of dead cells that need to be shed.

"If you don't shower at night, you end up shedding that into your bed linen. And guess who loves that. Dust mites. Which again, are another problem for those of you with allergies."

Even after Dr Drey explained her reasons for showering or bathing in the evening, people didn't seem convinced about the thought of changing their showering routines.

"My controversial take is that I can always tell when people are only night showerers..." one person claimed in the comments. Another user wrote: "Much nastier putting on clothes after sweating for 8 hours in a bed. I prefer to be clean when I meet other people."

Others claimed showering in the evenings was the only way to do it, as one user said: "I started showering before bed because it’s relaxing. I no longer dread getting up in the morning because this chore has already been done."

"How does anyone get into their clean sheets at night with the day still on you?" another user wrote.