What Your December Horoscope Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign

sagittarius horoscope 2023
Your December 2023 Horoscope Is HereHearst Owned

Would it really be the end of the year without the planets giving us a run for our money? I think not! While 2023 may be winding down, this month’s astrological forecast is as packed as your holiday social schedule, with major planetary movements causing an infusion of confidence throughout the zodiac.

The month starts with the sun in fun-loving, fiery Sagittarius, which gives everyone a bit of a boost, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. “The new moon energy is very much, ‘why not me?’” explains Page. “You can believe in yourself, in a strong way that allows you to take big steps.”

While that sounds lovely, I hate to tell you, but it won’t all be smooth sailing this month. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters dreaded retrograde in Capricorn on the 13th. While you can anticipate some miscommunication during this time, it won’t be all negative energy. This retrograde asks the collective to consider the future in a big way. Ask yourself where you want to be in the next 30 years and start working backward. While you don’t need to take action yet, your path to success will require planning!

Other astrological dates to jot down this month include, Venus, the planet that rules our love lives, entering sexy Scorpio, which will add a sensual vibe to the month. The winter solstice, and transition to Capricorn season arrives on the 21st, celebrating the end of the year, and making a perfect time for intention setting for the year ahead. The month ends with a full moon in emotional water sign Cancer, highlighting the balance between career and much-needed quality time with your loved ones.

Wondering what all this means for your sign? Keep reading to find out Page’s analysis!


Aries, this month starts out with career on your mind. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters analytical Capricorn on the 1st, lighting up a part of your chart that concerns future endeavors. This is an ideal time for big-picture thinking and mapping out long-term goals. Where do you want to be in five years? How about 30 years? The planets urge you to contemplate everything possible for you, because when the new moon in Sagittarius arrives on the 12th, it’s time for action. The new moon in this fellow fire is lighting a much-needed blaze under your behind as you take the reigns in your career and shoot for your big dreams. When the sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, you’ll feel the dust begin to settle as you pursue this new path you’ve carved for yourself. Keep an eye on your spending this month, though, Aries. Jupiter, a planet of expansion, enters your financial sector on the 30th, which could mean more cash coming in, but don’t spend it before you have it, Aries!

aries october 2021 horoscope
Aya Kakeda


Your intuition is scary strong this month, and you have Venus, your ruling sign, in psychic Scorpio to thank for that. Whether it’s their holiday wish list or that work issue that’s secretly been on their brain, it’s almost like you’re a mind reader this month, Taurus. Use this to your advantage in your relationships with others, yourself, and your sense of self-worth. Being tapped into your spiritual side will have you reflecting on all the joy and heartache the last year brought. You will be especially attuned to this psychic energy during the new moon in Sagittarius, which is urging you to tap into the wisdom of others. Use your network and the people around you to help you grow and reach your true potential. As the sun moves into Capricorn at the end of the month, you’ll feel an urge to start plotting on 2024. Break out the vision board supplies and go for it! The stars are pointing to some exciting travel for you next year.

Aya Kaykeda


Mercury, your ruling planet and the planet of communication highlights your intuitive side this month, Gem, particularly regarding your career. It’s possible you’ve spent much of this year contemplating your next move. Do you stick it out and hope for the best on your current path, even if it’s wearing on you lately? Or do you head out on your own to pursue your passions? When Mercury goes retrograde on the 13th, it’ll clarify which is the best path for you right now. In the meantime, though, gather information about your work life—whether it’s possible opportunities, the going salary for someone with your expertise, or just a new skill you can develop for a competitive edge. Big things are coming for you in 2024!

Aya Kaykeda


Cancer, you’re drawn to youthful, vivacious, and innovative people this month as Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Capricorn. Embrace fresh ideas and perspectives—whether they are from your office’s resident young person, friends, family members, or just the girlies on TikTok. The new moon in Sagittarius brings even more energy to your December vibes, putting a real emphasis on your daily routines. If you’ve been looking for a reason to kickstart your New Year’s resolutions, consider the new moon your invitation. The full moon in your sign on the 26th asks you to up the self-care, and reduce overwhelm. The holidays can be the most wonderful time of year, of course, but also the busiest! Make sure you’re taking care of yourself first, always.

cancer october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


Leo, if you’ve been waiting for a breath of fresh air to reinvigorate your work life, it’s coming for you in the new year! There are lots of opportunities ahead, if you spend your December making space for them. Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde in Capricorn this month, highlighting your everyday life and work. This prompts you to dream about the future, and perhaps, start setting some deadlines for yourself. If you want to take steps and channel your inner royalty in the upcoming year, you need to start taking your work seriously. Trust your intuition, Leo! When the new moon in Sag arrives on the 11th, it’ll have you embracing the fun moments of life. Live your best fire sign life, and go and let loose, Leo! You deserve it. Just make sure to strike that important balance between work and play!

leo october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


Virgo, they don’t call you the work-horse of the zodiac for nothing! This month is all about keeping your career. Mercury, the planet that rules communication, goes retrograde in Capricorn, and it has you analyzing why you work so hard. Does the work you’re doing right now fuel your fire and inspire you? If not, consider what you are trying to prove in putting in those late nights and long hours anyway. Is there perhaps another position or venture that might serve you better right now? It’s important to be a hard worker, but keeping your long-term goals and intentions in mind is even more important. Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you, especially around the new moon in expansive Sagittarius on the 12th. A fresh perspective from someone you trust just might be what you need, Virgo!

virgo october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Balance is always top of mind for you, Libra, but especially so this month. Take time at the start of December to consider your work-life balance, before all of the holiday chaos kicks in. Make sure you’re carving out time for your goals, but also to have a good time with the people you love. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Capricorn this month, asking you if what you’re doing for work brings you joy. Work doesn’t always have to make us excited, but it’s important that your daily tasks aren’t stealing your happiness. Perhaps it’s time to dedicate some hours to that interior design business you’ve been dreaming of, or to dedicate some hours to a yoga teacher training. Make sure that something in your life is supplying you with that inspiration you need, Libra!

libra october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


December promises to be a big month for you, Scorpio! Venus, the planet that rules all things love and pleasure, graces your sign, making you absolutely radiant with confidence. You’re feeling yourself, and it comes at an excellent time because your career is about to get a major overhaul. Trust in your talent and the value you have to offer the world. As Mercury, the planet that rules communication, goes retrograde mid-month you’ll want to be extra careful in your communication, especially written words, and potential conversations with recruiters or new work partners. Finances are also on your mind this month, as the new moon in Sagittarius highlights your fiscal responsibilities as you step into new exciting endeavors. Stay open to new opportunities, Scorpio! This is just the beginning.

scorpio october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Your career has had a lot of ups and downs this year, Sag, but this month is all about new beginnings. It’s your birthday season, and the new moon is in your sign, making it a powerful time for manifestations and claiming important opportunities in love and career. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, though, Sag. While your belief in yourself is crucial and something to be admired, don’t spend money you don’t have....even if you just know a lucrative deal is about to come through. Mars, the planet of action, tells you to just go for it already, while Mercury, the planet of communication, urges caution. Strike a balance that works for you, and you’ll gracefully navigate this duality.

sagittarius october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


There’s good news, and bad news for you this month, Cap. The good news: Your season is around the corner, and the sun will move into your sign at the end of the month, bring a sense of vitality and new opportunities. The bad news? Mercury, the planet of communication, will go retrograde in your sign mid-month, causing potential hiccups in communication and technology. It might feel like you’re taking two steps forward and three steps back at the beginning of the month as you work to align with your highest goals while also dealing with the earthly problems caused by Mercury. Stay confident, and focused on your goals and you will finish this month on a high note, ready to celebrate with friends. If you’ve been looking for a new job, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, may bring a new opportunity right into your lap at the end of the month, so keep your eyes open for that!

capricorn october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Venus, the planet that rules our love lives and pleasure, is causing you to think about the big picture, especially regarding partnerships this month—and not just the romantic ones. Keep an eye on whether things in your work life align with your future goals. If you’re working all day for a coal company but dream of passing laws around clean energy, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate and pick a path that is more symbiotic. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from your friends and family, especially around the new moon in Sagittarius mid-month. This fire sign energy has you feeling bold, and ready to speak your mind. Lean into it, and learn from those around you!

aquarius october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Pisces, your dream job is coming for you this month! The new moon in Sagittarius inviting you to take up more space, and step into the public eye. And if you do so, it is quite likely your efforts will be recognized. Keep doing what you’re doing for your community, all the volunteer work you love is making a big impact. And while it might not feel like you’re being recognized, you are. Just quietly. This month your star power will take center stage, especially when the sun enters Capricorn. Prepare for new opportunities, friendships, and exciting potential for travel in the new year!

pisces october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned

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