Death in Paradise fans react to famous guest star

death in paradise s12,13012023,2,justin west robert webb,red planet pictures,denis guyenon
Death in Paradise fans react to famous guest starDenis Guyenon - BBC

Death in Paradise series 12 episode 2 spoilers follow.

Death in Paradise returned tonight (January 13) with its second episode of the series, and fans had plenty of thoughts about the show's latest guest star.

This week's instalment saw DI Neville Parker (Ralf Little) tasked with cracking the case of a death at a doomsday commune, with the victim seemingly poisoned by cyanide.

However, it was Robert Webb's guest appearance in the episode which caught fans' attention, with several viewers making references to Webb's famous characters from Peep Show and That Mitchell and Webb Look.

death in paradise s12,13012023,2,justin west robert webb,red planet pictures,denis guyenon
Denis Guyenon - BBC

The episode ended with Webb's character left completely devastated, after Neville manages to solve the case of the deaths at the prepper's commune, with Justin's wife Raya and friend Charlie arrested.

His desperate situation left fans concerned about whether Justin would later seek revenge against Neville in future episodes. Especially after the official Death in Paradise Twitter account hinted there would be more to come from Webb's character.

Death in Paradise airs on Friday nights at 9pm on BBC One; the spin-off, Beyond Paradise, is currently in production.

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