A day in the life of: the creative director of a contemporary jewellery gallery

From Red Online

You might say that, because her parents founded contemporary jewellery gallery, Tomfoolery, Laura Kay was always destined to fall into line. But the 34-year-old, who now lives in Clapton with her partner Mikael and one-year-old son, Ezra, is a designer, and business woman, in her own right.

After coming out of Manchester University with a 1st class honour in photography, Laura went into fashion and advertising production before leaving to take over the reins in 2011. Laura is now creative director at Tomfoolery, which curates a range of brands from experimental, colourful pieces to investment gemstones, she also launched her own jewellery brand: Métier.

The brand is all about demi-fine; affordable, delicate, 9ct gold jewellery that can be easily self-styled and interchangeable for every day. Her ethos? Simple. She designs jewellery with herself and friends in mind.

The range is now stocked at Harvey Nichols and various other countries around Europe, but her success hasn't stopped Laura from enjoying local street parties and basking in the fresh air at Clissold Park. How's that for work/life balance

Find out what it's like to be at the helm of a top accessories brand and follow Laura throughout her day.

How do you start your day?

Does trying to have a shower before my one year old wakes up counts as self care…? if I (on the rare occasion) do find myself with some extra time then I’ll usually try to exfoliate and cleanse.

Are you a breakfast or no breakfast person? If so, what do you typically eat?

I’m a black coffee person first thing to wake me up, then when I get up to the gallery in Muswell Hill I head straight to Planet Organic for a caramel coffee kick (no caramel - just a mix of goodness that tastes caramel-like)!

What do you wear to work?

It's important for our whole team to be smart but at the same time a little character is always welcomed when selling artisanal jewellery. I’m a big fan of a print dress with some clean fresh trainers.

What’s your favourite part of your work environment?

I really love to be front of house. One-to-one with customers looking for an event. We have people come to the store wanting to discuss and plan out some momentous occasions. I worked in fashion previously so this element of the gallery has always been second nature to me.

What's the best bit about your job?

Designing Métier and going to trade shows in Paris and New York. It's always a nervous time launching a new collection but so far so good!

How did you get to where you are now in your career?

As Tomfoolery is a family business, I’d worked in the gallery since the age of fifteen as a Saturday girl. It's in my blood. I knew I would eventually return to it but I started my career in fashion and photography after university. I worked at Hermes as a Press Officer and went on to work freelance for them… styling events with the likes of Liberty and working various pop-ups. I then moved into production at a photography agency, I worked in-house on large scale productions which gave me a very strong skillset to help Tomfoolery move forwards with its online presence and marketing.

Do you snack throughout the day? If so, what on?

Oh, I’m the worst. Haribo is my downfall.

What’s the weirdest part of your working day?

Hmm, I do find the world of retail strange. There's so much, I wouldn’t actually know where to begin...

What’s your laptop background?

Mine is a Wolfgang Tilmanns picture. He shoots a lot on medium format. Photos of a crumpled t-shirt etc…. the detail is so minimal but always so beautiful.

What’s your favourite lunch?

Gails at the moment… the miso chicken salad is just perfection!

Describe your commute to us, if you have one?

I drive to work as I have to drop my son at nursery. I’m a 90’s garage girl at heart so kiss.fm is my first choice!

How do you wind down in the evening?

I’m an Instagram fanatic so I spend most of my evenings scrolling through the online world. It helps me zone out after work, nursery pick up & bath time!

What do you watch on TV?

Well at the moment it's all about Netflix and Good Girls! I love it.

Do you have any night time cleansing or beauty regimes?

I drink a lot of water. I always try to have at least a litre in the evening. But cleansing wise I’m awful as I generally can’t find the time.

Top 5 tips

What do you do to calm yourself when you feel stressed?

Dreaming up new jewellery designs.

What's your go-to fashion item?

Prada sandals - I love gold hardware & my 9ct Métier hoops & plaques.

What’s the best piece of work advice anyone has ever given you?

Head down and get on with it.

Your best advice for switching off from work?


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