Couple quit 'corporate' life and spend decade travelling 90K miles in motorhome

A couple quit their 'corporate' life for a 'grown-up gap year' travelling Europe in a motorhome - and are still going a decade and 90,000 miles later. Karen, 56, and Myles Davies, 57, - aka The Motoroamers - have visited 27 countries in their vehicle 'Scoobie'. They set off in 2016 and are able to work while travelling spending around £1,500 to £2K a month - their previous home rental cost them £1,350 alone. The couple decided to set off through Europe for a planned 'gap year'. But they loved the new lifestyle so much that they wanted to keep going and have used Scoobie as their forever home ever since. Now with 90,000 miles under their belt, and despite two engines later, the venturesome couple have explored 'every compass angle' through Europe. They have covered 27 countries from Norway to Portugal, Romania, the Sahara desert of Morocco and 'most places in between'.