The Costco Drink I Make Every Time I Get Sick
It’s the key to surviving the winter.
Simply Recipes
Now that we’re firmly entrenched in the new year with holiday festivities and goal-setting behind us, it seems like I’ve been engaging in the ultimate winter pro sport: dodging the onslaught of colds, cases of flu, and another wave of COVID.
Thankfully, I’m armed with my secret weapon, a heavy-duty jar from Costco that I always keep on the lower shelf of my fridge door: Vonbee Honey Citron & Ginger Tea.
This honey citron tea is a little different from your standard tea bag—it comes in a sticky jellied marmalade form that is meant to be dissolved in hot water. Essentially, the rinds of the citron fruit are preserved in sugar and then mixed with honey and ginger. This conserves those essential oils from the citron fruit that pack tons of vitamin C and flavor into your tea.
Simply Recipes / Costco
Why I Love Vonbee Honey Citron & Ginger Tea
For me, citron tea is far superior to the standard orange juice or lemon tea, especially when I’m sick. It’s similar in flavor to yuja cheong, a Korean marmalade made with the yuja fruit since the Joseon dynasty (you may have also heard of it referred to as yuzu in Japanese).
It’s super fragrant and sweet without that lemony sourness but has more of a pleasant bitter flavor that prevents it from being too cloying when drinking it in large quantities. The fruit also has two to three times the vitamin C of lemon juice, so it does double duty.
Whenever I get sick I’ll fill a thermos with this tea to tote around the apartment. One winter, I was feeling super sick but needed to attend an event, and this tea was the only thing that lubricated my dry, scratchy throat and kept me from losing my voice entirely. I felt so much better the next day despite the exertion.
The added ginger especially gives just enough of a kick to help clear out my sinuses, much needed after lots of nose-blowing and sniffles.
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How I Use Vonbee Honey Citron & Ginger Tea
To prepare, I put two heaping tablespoons of the Vonbee Honey Citron & Ginger Tea into my favorite mug and top with about eight ounces of boiling water. It might seem like a lot, but do not skimp! This ratio is crucial for striking the perfect balance of comforting liquid sweetness, just the right consistency for soothing your sore throat.
When I’m not sick, I still turn to this citron tea throughout the week. It’s a great non-caffeinated tea option for guests post-dinner, and I also like to sometimes make a cup before going to bed next to my drafty window and steam radiator (New York apartments are so dry!). Looking for a fun boozy take? You can even use it to make a hot toddy by mixing a spoonful with hot water and whiskey, or a teaspoon into a small cup of warm sake.
Even though Vonbee Honey Citron & Ginger Tea comes in such a large Costco-size jar (you’ll find it in single or two packs of 4.4-pound jars), it will keep indefinitely in your fridge. It’s surprisingly versatile as well, which is key to working your way through it. I’ve been known to spread some on my toast over cream cheese or mix a dollop with olive oil and vinegar to make a quick vinaigrette. In the summertime, it acts as the base for an uber-refreshing citron-ade (just mix it with some seltzer or soda!).
As soon as you brew yourself a cup of tea to ward off those winter blues, the fragrant citron smell will have your whole family asking for one as well.
Read the original article on Simply Recipes.