Corrie villain warns fans are in for ‘tough watch’ over Lauren Bolton pregnancy storyline

Calum and Lauren in hospital
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street fans were in for a shock at the end of Monday night’s episode, as it was revealed that Lauren Bolton was in fact alive, after she appeared by Roy Cropper's bedside in hospital, following his heart attack.

Previously, viewers believed she had been murdered by Joel Deering (Calum Lill) after a violent attack, however, she managed to escape.

Upon her shock return to the cobbles, once again, she managed to escape and run away from Joel, after she was forcefully ushered into a hospital room by the sleazy solicitor.

If her return wasn’t shocking enough, Corrie viewers have learnt Lauren is pregnant with Joel’s baby, as Calum Lill tells OK! and other media outlets viewers are in for a tough watch, as his dark secrets of grooming Lauren are at risk of coming to light.

Lauren and Joel hospital
Lauren is 'forcefully ushered' into a hospital room by Joel upon her return -Credit:ITV

“It’s just proof that he doesn’t need. Even if he manages to pull off that he just had consensual sex with her, his life is still over. Best case scenario of people finding out is that he loses his fiancé Dee-Dee, who is his whole world anyway,” Calum said.

“Joel is incredibly selfish and driven to do whatever in his own self interest. I don’t think we’ve seen the worst of him. We definitely haven’t seen the worst of him yet,” the star warned.

By the end of the episode, Lauren manages to escape, and in upcoming episodes, Joel’s fiancé Dee-Dee goes looking for her, along with Bethany Platt, as news breaks that she came to visit Roy at the hospital.

Joel on phone
Joel's 'secrets' are coming to light -Credit:ITV

“If Dee-Dee grabs her before Joel, his life will just crumble before his eyes,” Calum says. “Even if she just finds out the fact the baby is his, everything is gone. The stakes are bigger than they’ve ever been, and I think desperate times desperate measures is what comes to mind with that.

“He’s going to do whatever it takes to get to her first, and whatever he does next is probably going to be a tough watch.”

Cait Fitton, who plays Lauren Bolton also told OK! That Lauren is ‘petrified’ of Joel as she knows what he’s capable of.

“She’s terrified, she’s petrified, she knows what this man can do. She knows that he won’t stop at anything, and now it’s not just her she’s got to worry about, it’s the baby. Lauren doesn’t care what happens to her now, as long as that baby’s safe, that’s all she cares about.”

Lauren with arms folded
Lauren Bolton made a shock return to the cobbles -Credit:ITV

The ongoing events are sure to cause a stir in Joel and Dee-Dee’s relationship, as Calum teases he may not get the soap wedding he so desperately wants. “If I was a bookie, I’d say his chances are slim but he’s very selfish, determined, driven and seems to lack empathy so he’s going to do whatever it takes to get to that wedding date and beyond it."

“What twists and turns that’s going to take us down, I can’t divulge but they’re not going to be pleasant to watch,” he teased, saying Joel’s going to ‘fight tooth and nail’ to get there.

Calum’s real life fiancé may be disappointed if he doesn’t get the big soap wedding, though, as she asked him if she could be an extra on the big day.

“She’s been amazing while I’ve been this busy and this tired all the time,” he said of his other half. Although he hopes she’ll still want to marry him after seeing the harrowing scenes unfold!