Christine McGuinness reveals she started taking medication after split from Paddy

Christine McGuinness has opened up about starting medication for her ADHD following her split from Paddy.

The mum-of-three, who also has autism, admitted that she's seen a positive change since starting the medication, which helps to calm her down and improve her focus. However, the 36 year old TV star confessed that she misses some aspects of her old self, saying: "I quite like the scatty part of me and I missed it a little bit."

Earlier this year, Christine spoke candidly about her mental health struggles amid her divorce from former Top Gear host Paddy, 50. Despite announcing their split in 2022, the pair have continued to live together for the sake of their children.

Just weeks before starting her medication, Christine revealed that she was struggling with increased meltdowns due to changes in her personal life. Now, the star, who recently appeared on BBC Two's Pilgrimage: The Road Through North Wales, has shared that she finally found the courage to seek help around the same time.

Christine Mcguinness
Christine Mcguinness has opened up on taking medication for her ADHD -Credit:BBC Pictures

She opened up about her experience: "I started medication around three months ago. I kept pushing it back, thinking, 'Do I really need it, I've got to my thirties without why do I suddenly feel like I just need it now? ' Eventually I just thought, 'OK, I'll try just a low dose and see what it does, see if it helps me'. And it has," reports the Mirror.

"It's helped calm my mind. I'm still active, still able to do everything I could before, just better. My head's not switching to different topics all the time. I used to struggle to hold a conversation because I'd be having 10 others in the back of my mind.

"I'd leave a conversation not having a clue what we've just spoken about, because I'd be planning my weekly shop, or what are the kids doing this week, or shall I go to Ibiza tomorrow or do a yoga class having all these conversations in my head. I feel like I'm better at that now that I'm on medication."

Christine and Paddy announced their split in July 2022
Christine and Paddy announced their split in July 2022 -Credit:Instagram/@mrscmcguinness

Discussing the catalyst for her decision, she explained: "I think I needed it now because my life is unsettled. And when things calm down, hopefully I won't need it as much."

Christine and Paddy had been together for 11 years, having first crossed paths when she was just 19 and working as a model at the Liverpool International Tennis Tournament. The couple's children, twins Leo and Penelope, aged 10, and seven year old Felicity, all share an autism diagnosis, and Christine has revealed that two of them are currently undergoing assessments for ADHD.

Autism is characterised by brain differences that can manifest in challenges with social interactions, repetitive behaviours, and unique learning, movement, or attention patterns. ADHD, on the other hand, often leads to difficulties with concentration and impulsive actions.

Christine McGuinness revealed Pilgrimage helped her combat her fear of dying
Christine McGuinnesswas diagnose with ADHD at the age of 33 -Credit:BBC

Diagnosed with both conditions at the age of 33, Christine described the revelation as "a huge relief" explaining that it allowed her to finally "understand" herself better. She recently released her second children's book titled The Magic is You, The Magic is Me, aimed at raising awareness about autism, following up on her two highly praised BBC documentaries on the topic.

Opening up about life pre-diagnosis, Christine confesses: "Before the medication I was constantly searching for a high. Every day, I needed something to make me feel good. I was constantly switching between doing something irrational, like booking a last-minute flight somewhere, or wanting to be on my own. I think that's calmed down."

However, during a candid chat with ex-Made in Chelsea celeb Spencer Matthews on the upcoming episode of his Big Fish podcast this Wednesday, Christine admits she has a soft spot for her more chaotic side, saying: "I quite like the scatty part of me and I missed it a little bit so I'm going to drop a dose."

She also shares with Spencer, her co-traveller on the BBC Two pilgrimage series, that those close to her have noticed her improved ability to manage her life.

Christine shared: "People that have known me since my early twenties, when I was quite reclusive, they see me now and they're like, 'Wow, I can't believe all the stuff that you're doing'. On Pilgrimage, that was the first time I ever ate with people I didn't know. In other jobs I'd remove myself from the room, make excuses, sit in a corner and eat there."